Sunday, January 27, 2019


This wee, green house was across the street from an old Victorian for sale we viewed today. The Victorian was suffering from, I would guess, a wonky foundation. The dining room sloped up; the adjacent kitchen angled down. I began to feel a bit seasick going from room to room. As this area is now considered 'cool', we were met at the open house by hoards of well-dressed white folk and a smattering of hip-looking POC. Twenty years ago, the only store on the main artery going through this 'hood sold rot-gut liquor, jug wine, cigarettes and lotto tickets. I'm almost 100% sure that that joint has since been replaced by a vegan cafe. 

A tree grows in the Castro

I have no idea where the old tree got off to, but I'm happy to see it has been replaced by a sapling. There should be a little picket fence a la The Little Prince 'round it for protection as this area is usually lousy with pedestrians and their pets. May it grow to maturity! 


  1. A wonky foundation is difficult to fix - without an expensive rebuild. I really like the small green house (and its garden).
    Hooray for tree planting. I hope it survives and thrives.

    1. Holy heck, you said it. I have heard that foundation work could run one up to 100k, give or take. Not a 'green light' situation for us, really.

  2. That sapling shows either great hope for the future or no hope at all. In my town it would survive until midnight.

    1. Bath sounds a bit rough. Let's hope for hope, I guess.

  3. I love both your photos today! So whimsical!

  4. Interesting neighborhood. I'm old enough to see some reborn twice, or more, including the trees in the tree lawns. Except, what are tree borders sans lawns called?

  5. Gentrification... Ah well. That would be an expensive fix.


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