Thursday, February 7, 2019

Clouds and Flames

We're in between rain storms at the moment. The clouds seem to be preparing for another major dump come the weekend. I love this sort of sky. (I don't really love pounding storms, however.)

Wow. So this happened--

A gas explosion damaging at least four buildings let loose today in the Richmond district. Fortunately, there were no injuries. The explosion didn't happen anywhere near my 'hood; I pulled the above image from the internet. Even though I'm not close by, I can sort of smell smoke in the air some five miles away. I feel for the folks who are without a way to heat their homes on this very chilly day. What also blows is that the gas line explosion was caused by a work crew's negligence. Well done, lads! 


  1. Lucky that no-one was hurt. Very, very lucky. That looks like an expensive careless moment.
    In Australia at the moment the heat wave continues in some places. Others have had record-breaking floods. And there are fires. Sigh.

    1. Oh, no. I was wondering if Australia were still struggling with the heat. May you be able to stay cool! x

    2. We are at least a little cooler where I am. Western Australia is not.

  2. There's getting to be too many gas explosion stories in the news -- scary stuff!

    1. It's tremendous luck that there were no injuries. Very scary stuff, indeed.


  3. Yes, very LUCKY that there were no injuries

  4. Sigh. Doesn't this thing always seem to happen just when one really, really needs the gas...?

    1. Last night dipped into the low 40s, so, yeah, I'm guessing so. :(

  5. Oh boy looking at that explosion it's hard to think that there were no injuries.

    1. I know, that's what I thought...
      The news, at that point, reported no injuries. Let's hope they were correct!

  6. That is scary looking! And no heat sucks!

  7. Glad to hear everyone is OK because that definitely looks like it could have been a lot worse.

  8. Scary, I bet you're glad it’s not your house. I hope the folk involved are insured.

    1. Yes, may they all have had insurance! (Not always the case here, sadly.)


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