Monday, February 4, 2019

Forking rainbow

It was dumping rain on Saturday when we went out to view houses. The icing on the cake was this slight double rainbow. 

The number of homes with unwarranted, inhumane-looking, in-law units tucked away in dank garages is unreal. I mean, I know the neighbors on either side of us are 3-generational families living in homes that, on the face of it, resemble ours. These homes are all traditional 2 bedrooms/1 bathroom. Three gens of folk from young to old wouldn't be living terribly comfortably in such a set-up. Given that I sometimes hear chatting coming from the other side of the wall when I'm in the garage, it makes me think that there's probably an in-law apartment with grandparents (and a barky dog) living in it. That and the fact there are at least four cars attached to that address. 

Almost as thrilling as the double rainbow was this massive fork left behind in the garage of a once-grand home from 1907. I did a few action poses for the camera. This pic was the least blurry. 


  1. In my book, any day with a rainbow (let alone a double) is made better immediately.
    I have to wonder (for fork's sake) what that fork was for.

    1. Forking heck, right? Why was it the only item left behind in the home? Weird.

      The rainbow was lovely and followed us along the road for some time. :)

  2. Did you find a giant spoon too? You know what they say -- "spooning leads to forking."

    1. Haha! No, just the lone fork. The spoon must have flown the coop. ;)

  3. I love to see double rainbows. I didn't know they existed until my optics classes in college.

  4. I do wonder about the folks who used utensils that size! Double rainbow photo must surely be a positive sign, or that’s how I chose to interpret the only one I ever saw on a trip coming into L.A. years ago from S.F. — and it was.

    1. A giant certainly must have lived at that address!

  5. A five-pronged fork. That would be unusual here.

    1. It almost looks like a six-fingered hand. Sort of strange.

  6. Beautiful rainbow. I wonder if your fork were liberated from some restaurant display.

    1. It was certainly a more fun find than those hanging, wooden spoon & fork displays that some had in their dining areas as decoration.

  7. Haha who wouldn't want a photo taken with a large fork? :D Love the rainbow shot.

    1. Right?! Not gonna lie, I did want to take the fork home with me.


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