Thursday, February 28, 2019


So, I called my Mom today to ask about whether or not she thought there were any truth to the rumor that her biological mother, a woman called Meryl, had indeed bore a fifth and final child in 1947. She told me that Grandma Irene (the woman to whom my mother had been given by Meryl) had heard 'around' that Meryl had had another child. My mom said, 'Nobody said that they saw her pregnant, but had just heard that she was.' Well, OK. I guess that this is proof enough? 

My sleuthing biological half-cousin, Dee, sent over some pictures of a woman called Margaret whom she thinks is Meryl's child and I can say that she doesn't look unrelated. Margaret, according to Dee, is the mother of a woman on 23 and Me who may be a half-cousin of ours. This mystery woman-maybe-sorta-cousin has not responded to a friendly 'Hey, how are we related?' type query sent a couple of days ago. May she yet do so!

If I had a photo of my mother looking dead into the camera, then a better comparison could be made, but, barring that, I think I do see a certain something around the eyes in common between the two women. 

So, the first image is one of my Mom taken when she was in her early 30s. The second picture shows Margaret from her college yearbook, mid-1960s. I presume she would have been in her early 20s in the shot. It is thought that Meryl had had, ahem, extramarital relations, and that Margaret would only be a half-sibling, if she were one at all. 

My Mother 

Do you all see any resemblance between the two women? 


  1. Looks likely...pity that an ear isn't visible in both, but they do have similarities

  2. Hard to tell. The only way to be sure is a DNA test.

    1. It is hard to tell, Debra. Family lore, super sleuthing by my bio cousin & the established mitochondrial dna link is pointing in the direction of this being a solid possibility. Oi vey!

  3. The nose looks to be almost identical.

    1. I see something similar about the noses as well.

  4. Could be. Hard to tell. It sounds like Meryl got around...

    1. Yeah, I think Meryl had a tough one. She was still married to my mother's bio dad when she *allegedly* conceived Margaret. I do know that she had a happy, final marriage with a man called Martin. So, that's something.

  5. I see chin, lips, nose and sett of eyes.

    1. Okay, I posted incorrect info. My mom shares 11% genetic material with the mystery relative found on 23 and Me. It is likely that this woman is my mom's niece & my half-first cousin. Crazy stuff.

  6. As others have said the noses look similar.

    1. There's something in that face that seems familiar. My mother sees it as well.

  7. The nose knows. Hopefully you will get a reply to erase all doubt.

    1. Hopefully. But genetic test results have erased most of the doubt. Perhaps this person's mom was never told she was adopted. This could potentially be an upsetting discovery for them.

  8. I see a facial resemblance, even the eyes at that angle. Hard to know what others know or don’t, or how they’ll react. People in the public realm are more susceptible to having people claim relationships and may be prone to automatically reject or maybe even ignore such contacts.

    1. Agreed. Word has it that Margaret was adopted into a well-to-do family. Perhaps her offspring, while on 23 and Me, are wary of strangers contacting them regardless of how closely related said stranger (me, in this case) is.


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