Monday, March 18, 2019

German club joke

Both the potted lavender & rosemary, in full bloom currently, never seem to get any love from either butterflies or bees. I resigned myself to thinking that insects just don't come around to this area, but am heartened to see a few bumblebees over in the neighbor's yard noshing on cherry blossoms right now. How can I get the flying critters to take notice of the flowers in bloom on my patio, I wonder?

-not much to report save for a bit of a backslide with respect to the foot issue. I walked a bit too much about a week ago & the burning/tingling/buzzing came back, primarily in the toe area, with a vengeance. I've been off the foot for a good few days now & the discomfort is subsiding, fortunately. It's almost literally baby steps with respect to healing from a stress fracture of the foot, apparently.

The hubs kindly drove me to my German club meet-up (I still can't manage the cluth pedal) this morning, so I was able to have a nice bit of social time today auf Deutsch.

There were a couple of new-comers at the meet-up today: a lovely, young woman from Israel & another gal from somewhere else in America who now lives locally. We three had all been study-abroad-students in SW Germany some twenty years back. I'm grateful to have the same regular visitors to the group since its inception in 2015, but it's wonderful to get a bit of 'new blood' from time to time as well.

At one point, one of the newbies asked if she could tell a joke. She prefaced it by saying that she would tell the joke in English, but that a knowledge of German was required.

The joke is as follows: What lies between fear and sex? 

Answer: Fünf! 

It took me a minute to get it as I was thinking about 'fear' and 'sex' and not 'vier' and 'sechs', which would be 4 and in German, respectively. Har-har.

German number tip--

Cross your '7' or perhaps count on, no pun intended, having your mail sent to the wrong address! 


  1. Sorry to hear about your foot playing up again. I hope getting some rest will help. Glad you got out and had some fun too, if you can call that joke fun. :D

    1. Resting seems the only alternative. Total effing drag, tbh.

      The joke was so bad it was almost good!

  2. Oh, groan. My one semester of German, years and years ago, fortunately did not end at three.
    I join you in ruing a broken foot! Mine is in full protest this morning.

  3. Oh, ouch. I hope your foot is mending now. We learned to put a cross in the 7 in French class way back in high school. I'll do it occasionally if my 7 is looking a little off.

    1. Ah, yes! Both German and French use the same script for '1'. --sort of a tired-looking American '7'. I haven't crossed a '7' in a long time, but I do almost always cross my 'z'.

  4. Your German club sound fun. Anyhow social clubs are good for us all. To bad I heard lot social clubs are dying out.
    Coffee is on

    1. It is a very nice gathering. I'm grateful to have it.

  5. That's a bummer about the foot. Hope the resting does the trick. Thanks for sharing the German joke. I feel more worldly now. Also, my old man eyes failed me and I accidentally deleted your comment on my mom post. I am losing the battle with technology.

    1. I just accidentally deleted someone's comment, but was too cowardly to share it with him!

      Yeah, this whole healing process thingie is a trip, no pun intended. :D

  6. Thank heavens I can count to ten in German but very few words or phrases after that. Sure hope your foot mends soon.

    1. Me, too, thanks. I am struggling a bit with CRPS in the toe region of my left foot. It's a slow healing process.


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