Sunday, March 24, 2019

'Six degrees...

of Kevin Bacon' is a little game that involves determining how many people (usually actors) distant one is from the actor Kevin Bacon. It's based on the idea posited by a sociologist (I think) back in the early 20th century that we are all six human links, more or less, removed from one another. If one were to take into account social media 'friendships', then I suspect that the degrees to which we could be connected are even fewer. 

Anyway, I figured out the other day that I am, indeed, connected to Kevin Bacon via two other people. Not that it's terribly riveting information, but they are as follows: 


Bo Graham (childhood chum)

Mickey Rourke (worked with Bo Graham in film called Out in Fifty)

Kevin Bacon (starred with Rourke in Diner)

I'm three links from Kevin Bacon, so, according to the language used on the website, The Oracle of Kevin Bacon, I have a Bacon no. of three. 

My husband's route to Kevin Bacon is: 


Quinn (friend of hubs)

Bill (father of Quinn)

Brad Pitt (starred in 12 Monkeys with Bill)

Kevin Bacon (starred in Sleepers with Pitt)

My husband would appear to have a Bacon no. of 4. 

Given that the hubs was futzing around LA in the 90s trying to become an actor, I would think the distance between him and Bacon might be even shorter. 

If you've not already wondered to what degree you might be connected to Kevin Bacon, then do wonder now! It's a sort of silly, but kind of fun pursuit. 


  1. Here I am the first to post, and all I can think is Look. Kevin Bacon has enough waist to hold up his pants.

    1. Also: How many degrees are you from Kevin Bacon, Joanne?

      He has a cement pig ornament. I have a cement pig ornament. Two degrees.

    3. :D I always thought that Kevin Bacon, name aside, had a bit of porcine look to him, to be honest.

  2. I'm probably a million degrees from Kevin Bacon. I don't know any actors. Well, not professional ones, anyway.

    1. You could play the 'Most Degrees Away from Kevin Bacon' & do really well! :D

  3. Bacon? Did someone mention bacon? Just getting my plate and knife and fork ready.

  4. Replies
    1. If I ever meet Kevin Bacon it will be one.

    2. I used to go out with a girl who was about 60 in line to the throne of England. She ended up marrying an ex-junkie.

    3. 60th in line? Wow. No pressure there at all to do much more than what she did, I'd wager. That could be another game: How Many Degrees to the Throne?

  5. There was a documentary several years back where someone (I'm not sure what sort of professional they were) took letters and wanted to see how many links it would take one random person to find another. Not Kevin Bacon. They were to get the letters to a professor, in California I think (but it might have been on the east coast). And they started in some far flung locations in Africa and elsewhere.

    It was a fascinating show.

    As for my degrees from Kevin Bacon, it'll take me a while to research. I have a couple ins, but how they link up... I don't have the time now.

    1. It seems like we Californians may excel at the Six Degrees game given our proximity to Tinseltown. :)

      The doc you mention sounds intriguing.

  6. One more route to Bacon:


    Alison Wright (old co-worker of mine)

    Marisa Tomei (performed with Alison on Broadway)

    Kevin Bacon (acted with Tomei in film called Loverboy)

  7. I haven’t cared about establishing my degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon, but through the years after seeing the movie of the same title I have occasionally followed connections to other people just for fun. It’s all about who you know and who they know, isn’t it. The scientific theory is that all people are only separated from one another by six degrees, or fewer. I’ve been amazed with who I’ve been connected to by only a few degrees sometimes.

    1. It is amazing. I mean, heck, we could even be separated by six degrees!

  8. Do you fancy meeting up for a drink next week Bea?
    I’m in San Mateo visiting my brother....let me know.

  9. No problem if you don’t but as we are in the same neck of the woods I thought it might be good ...Libby.

    1. Your brother lives in a very nice city. I've always been a fan of San Mateo Central Park and the Japanese Garden contained therein.

      I've been dealing with a pain syndrome in my foot since hurting it last fall. At the beginning of this month, I walked a bit too much & that has set back healing. My mobility is compromised at present or I would relish a drink and a chat with you!

      Enjoy hanging with your brother. :)

  10. I would have dig in but I think it wouldn't be too hard to be a few degrees from Mr. Bacon. A fraternity brother of mine has done pretty well for himself in film being a director of photography so that would be the connection.


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