Friday, June 21, 2019

Hot cocoa with a twist!

I first became aware of Jack Monroe's blog 'A Girl Called Jack', when I lived in London. Jack was, at that time, becoming known for creating tasty recipes cobbled together using little money & a lot of ingenuity.   

In addition to having a website, Jack is on Twitter dispensing gratis recipes that are pretty dang tasty-looking. It was from there that I pinched the recipe for Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

For those of you who are keen, here you go: 

Ingredients (for one mug):
50ml water
3 squares of chocolate (I used, ahem, a bit more than that)
1 heaped tablespoon of peanut butter (I used chunky peanut butter)
150ml milk (I used almond milk & the consistency and flavor were gorgeous) 
Melt the choco and peanut butter with water in a saucepan. Stir until ingredients form a sticky paste. Then slowly stir in milk a bit at a time so as to prevent the cocoa from clumping. 
I topped mine with cinnamon & it all went down a treat!

If you fancy a peek at Jack's work and amazing creations, here it is the link to her website:


  1. Interesting. And, I suspect, addictive.

    1. I greedily gulped it down, then chewed on the peanut dregs at the end. :)

  2. That sounds good - I have almond milk on my shopping list for tomorrow so must check on nut butter as well. I may try almond butter.

    1. Almond butter sounds like a good alternative.

  3. Jack is inspiring and as good as any of the fancy chefs!

  4. That would kill H.I. She's not allergic, she just hates peanuts more than any other food.

    1. Cashew butter might be a good alternative?

  5. I would never have thought to put peanut butter in hot chocolate! Sounds de-lish.

  6. Oh, too late tonight to give it a whirl but I have peanut butter in the pantry by chance, so tomorrow night I'll try it. It's hot chocolate weather in this neck of the woods now.

  7. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's a fun piece. I found it at a pottery shop in Konstanz, DE.

  8. That's a yummy sounding recipe. I know two little Shifleys that would absolutely love it. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I wonder if you can go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter anything.

    1. You really probably can't. I was thinking of adding peanut butter to my chocolate mousse cake recipe...YUM.

  10. Foodie bloggers are great. Sounds like you enjoyed your drink.

    1. Yeah, and she's super rad. The cocoa ruled!


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