Sunday, October 6, 2019

Balmy Saturday

A beach trip was in the cards today. The weather was perfect for it. -no clouds (although I do like a bit of white in the sky), no wind, and a warm 74F/23C.

Eric pitched the beach tent and we settled in to working on the NYT crossword puzzle from this past Tuesday. Feeling ambitious, we even brought the Wed. crossword as well. There were no large mammals to be seen dipping in and out of the water today. There were, however, a good few birds diving in head first for fish, so that was exciting to watch. 

We made fairly short work of the Tuesday crossword, but the Wednesday one was a toughie. I knew a few answers straightaway, but as soon as it began to feel like ages between figuring out a clue answer, I gave up and retreated to reading another section of the paper. The steady sounds of loud crashing waves in the background kept me company.

View from the pier.
The 'detectorist' and friend.

At one point a 'detectorist' ambled by. I could hear the sound of his machine as he waved it to and fro. A few feet from our tent he and his friend knelt down. The 'detectorist' took out his shovel and began to dig. He then brushed away a bit of sand from the spot in front of him. Nothing. The two men then moved on down past the blue tent you see in the background. I found it funny that this man was looking for goodies just along where beach-goers were sat. Using such a method, he may find some errant pocket change or a lost earring, but I can't imagine what else.


  1. Perhaps he was hoping for a lost ring.

    1. Ah, yes. I can imagine sand being a good loosening agent for rings. I

  2. It sounds like a blissful day. I suspect the detectorists do quite well. Change, jewellery and more. Possibly the odd watch though they would probably not survive well.

    1. It almost seems like gambling--you never know when you'll hit.

  3. Not the most antisocial pursuit. They could have been riding trail bikes.

  4. Doing a crossword puzzle on a lazy holiday morning -- pure heaven! My Rare One and I like to do this too. The NY Times puzzles are way above our heads, though!

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful, lazy day pursuit. I can swing a Monday, but it takes ages for me to complete. Tuesday with help is mostly do-able. :)

  5. You conjure up my mother, with your crossword puzzles. So terrified of growing senile, she fought daily with the local paper's puzzles. She had an unspoken contest with her sister-in-law, my favorite, Aunt Laura, who whizzed straight through the same puzzles before lunch. However, she was my favorite mom. Sadly she died at 79, and still far from senile.

    1. You paint a sweet picture of your mother and favorite aunt. It's fun to have a little healthy competition to get one going, I think.

  6. My father got one of those metal detector things. He found a lot of soda can tops. Old ones. So, kind of a fun find.

    1. It's funny what stays in the ground, isn't it?


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

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