Thursday, December 5, 2019

Feeling poorly, 007 & a short trip down memory lane.

Kids are pint-sized germ transmitters. My cousin's children, ages 3 and 6, are, I now think, especially germ-y. We played a few rounds of Concentration with them while we waited for the Thanksgiving turkey to finish cooking and that's all it took. A few days after Turkey Day, both my husband and I came down with nasty colds. It's been a coughing-sneezing-sore throat fest for the past four days at our house. 

Eric worries that this cold has set him back for the Festive 500, training-wise. I hope not as it would really bum him out to not be able to complete the ride. Anyway, I suppose we'll see come Xmas how he fares on the bike. 


Possibly a controversial opinion, but I think that Timothy Dalton was the best (and best-looking) Bond. His Bond was a more faithful portrayal, i.e., he was not always keen on following orders. Why did Dalton only make two Bond flicks? Was he not warmly received in the role when his films came out? I don't remember what I thought other than he was a more physically attractive Bond than his predecessor, Roger Moore. I mean, I dug Moore in the role, but, over time, his films felt kind of goofy. 


I was doing a small shop at a market in my hometown today, loaded up on throat lozenges and cough medicine, when I saw the mother of a childhood friend of mine. I intercepted her as she was making her way out of the store and asked if she were Mrs. N. She said that she was and I told her that I had been a friend of her daughter, Margaret, back in 1974-5. I wasn't yet in school and I think that my mother and Mrs. N. had gotten to know each other in a women's group. That must have been how Margaret, who was one year older, and I met. I was five years old when I last saw Mrs. N. She must be in her 80s by now, but, to me, she looked just the same as she had all those years ago. 'I can't believe you recognized me!' She told me that my recognizing her made her made her feel very good. I'm glad that she felt complimented. 

Mrs. N. and I chatted a bit about our families as we made our way out to the parking lot. She surprised me by remembering my mother's name and that, as a girl, I had been a towhead. My hair is now dirty blonde. It's been almost 45 years since we last saw each other. How remarkable that old memories yet bubble to the surface! She told me that Margaret had married a very kind and an intelligent man. I said that I would have expected nothing less as her daughter was also very intelligent who wouldn't have married a dummy. She laughed and said that she'd have to tell her daughter that when she comes to visit for the Christmas holidays. I asked Mrs. N. to give her daughter my well-wishes before we parted ways.

I hope that this doesn't sound like a humble brag, but I think I may be a bit of what's known as a 'super recognizer'. I'm actually no longer as sharp as I once was in the recall department, but still do fairly well as the above example might indicate. I should have put my skills to use when I was young and become a spy or a private detective

Left to right: Corky, me, Margaret, and Chris celebrating my birthday in Golden Gate Park, 1975.


  1. You DO sound like a super recogniser. I am good on voices, but a bit of a failure on appearances. (A lot of a failure on appearances).

    1. Being good on voices is also super cool.

      I hope the bushfires are nowhere near you and yours, by the way! x

    2. Thanks Bea. They are close, but not very if that makes sense. 30 or 40 kilometres away, but it is very, very windy. More than 100 are burning out of control in the next state.

  2. You are a "super recogniser" I recognise faces but not the names.

  3. I hope Mrs. N. didn't catch your cold.

    1. I stood a very respectable distance away from her, but I hope she didn't either.

      She was a nurse and still volunteers in such a capacity at a local community center, so I hope she's resistant to causal encounters with folk who present with cold symptoms.

  4. There's a reason that vitamin C thing was invented by a teacher. We build up immunities after working a while with the kiddos, but when we start, we catch everything that's going around. My father warned me about that when I started subbing.

    I fell for Timothy Dalton after seeing him in the Jane Eyre adaptation for the BBC a few years before he got the Bond role. So, I'm biased in my agreement with you. I think he got the role at the wrong time--AIDS was just hitting the mainstream media, and Bond's dalliances with the ladies wasn't working as well as it had in the past. So, the films didn't do as well, and then Pierce Brosnan got free of his network deal (Remington Steele), as they had wanted him, but the network got difficult. At least, that's what I remember of that era.

    You might be a super recognizer. I wonder if there's any way to test that.

    1. Ah, interesting point re: Dalton and the Bond role. I really dug P. Brosnan as Remington Steele, but had a hard time seeing him as Bond.

      I think that there might be some online test I could access. I haven't really nosed around yet.

  5. I have a better memory for faces than names, but the passage of time usually changes people so much that I fail to recognize them in their senior years. So good for you!

    I like Daniel Craig as Bond. He's a sexy beast. I think he and Q should run away together.

    1. I remember when I first saw Daniel Craig. It was in the film The Mother. His character was less than sympathetic, but, dang, he was/is a sex beast.

  6. None of us are as sharp in many more departments than those. Count your chickens.

  7. Controversy Corner! George Lazenby, the one film-Bond, is my favourite, and the vintage styling of the older movies is more up my alley. I stopped watching them in the 90s so don't have a feel for the new Bonds but every time I see D. Craig, I see V. Putin. I can't but mix them up!

    Super-recogniser? That's quite a label. I'm not bad on recognising voices and faces but to remember a name is utterly my weak point.

    1. I did very much like Lazenby's turn as Bond. Sean Connery-era Bond films are more my aesthetic, but there's something about Dalton...I can't quite put my finger on it. Well, I probably could have had I been given the chance. ;)

  8. I rarely forget a face, though often might not be able to put a name with it..Or I might remember a person was a teacher, but not be able to remember the subject or school etc. I'm not sure why that is. How nice you had a memory lane thing. Always enjoy those myself. Hubby and I are meeting up with a couple we used to hang out with...I mean really used to, like 50 years ago. Marriages and kids, sometimes get in the way of maintaining friendships, but we kindled at our 50th class reunion back in October. Sorry about the illnesses. Family gatherings are notorious for that it seems. 2 days after my older brother got sick, 2 days later his wife, the next day my younger brother's wife, followed by him a day or so later. Fingers crossed. We had a teenager quest who ...frankly not sure way they came. They didn't participate beyond eating, then fell asleep on the sofa. We think she was sick. Argh.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Let's hope you don't catch the bug! How lovely that you're to meet up with old chums from years ago. Reunions can be a great way to rekindle old friendships.

  9. Sorry to hear about the illness. The kids are definitely germ farmers especially when they are as young as your cousin's kids. I hope you and Eric are feeling better. I never really had a favorite Bond and the movies have fallen out of favor with me. I doubt I see the one coming out next year but maybe I will change my mind. Have a good weekend.

    1. Germ farmers, indeed! I should have dunked myself in Purell before leaving the festivities. Yeah, I don't pay attention to the new Bond flicks. The don't really do it for me, to be honest.

  10. I remember meeting my head tutor from my art foundation course after twenty years...she did "the eyes have it"...if everything else changes, just look at them.
    Best of luck for the Festive 500

    1. Thanks! And, yes, the eyes don't lie. Ha.

  11. I remember faces but can never put a name to them.
    As for germs I stay well away from people spreading them. I usually fall very ill with colds round about Christmas time, they tend to gravitate to my chest and bronchials which is absolutely not good for someone who has asthma.
    Hope you and your husband are feeling better now.

    1. Thank you, Friko. We are still coughing something fierce, but have a bit more energy than a few days ago.


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

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