Sunday, December 29, 2019

Saturday events and an edit re: CCR tune

Even though Eric's cough hasn't totally gone away and his training prep. for the Festive 500 was compromised by a two-week-long cold, he attempted the bike challenge today at the Polo Fields in Golden Gate Park. Eric hit the track around 4am in the hopes of barreling through--with food and pee breaks--until 8pm. He hit a wall around the nine hour mark and called it a day. He clocked in an admirable 250 km for his efforts. -still pretty festive, if you ask me. 

I attended a somewhat new-found family gathering today, so I wasn't able to pick Eric up after the time trial challenge in the park. He schlepped himself home, tired and sweaty, at about the time I was schmoozing at a lunch with relatives old and new out in a town called Lodi. I didn't take the Greyhound to Lodi as our man in the song did, but rather traveled by suburban rail & then got a Lyft to the restaurant. 

Here's CCR singing 'Lodi' for your listening pleasure (and the song I had meant to upload to this post originally). 

I'm in no shape for even a modest bike ride around the neighborhood never mind participating in the Festive 500, but I am getting back on my feet for little wanders around town. Yesterday, I visited the lovely Buena Vista Park, formerly known as Hill Park, in the Haight-Ashbury. The city views afforded from the upper slopes are lovely. 

-a peek of downtown and the East Bay hills way off in the distance. 


  1. Kudos to Eric. I doubt I could ride a tenth of that distance.
    I am very glad to hear that you are finally getting better too - and hope the family fest went well.
    I do like Creedence Clearwater Revival. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Well shucks. I had meant to upload 'Lodi' as it sorta tied into the theme of the post, but I've just heard that I uploaded another CCR tune instead. That has been corrected.

      Eric is a real trouper. He is in a bit of pain today & his knee is playing up. I think he's glad to have gotten out there, however. :D

      Yes, the family fest was a trip & it went fairly well.

    2. Thanks for the edit. Not surprised Eric is in a bit of pain, and hope it subsides quickly.

  2. Well done Eric..100km is my absolute day limit!!

    1. He is very sore today, but glad he made the attempt!

  3. I read the post of your somewhat new found family. Circumstances may be different but these discoveries happen more often than we think. Sometimes the results are good and sometimes can be devastating. I hope yours was good.

    As for Eric .... I think it is important maybe wise to know when to "call it a day."
    Sometimes I walk to the mailbox and "call it a day."
    Sometimes I tell my husband, "Walk to the mailbox and make my day!"

    1. The event went well, fortunately. It was still a lot to take in. I felt a bit sad for, possibly, what could have been, but that passed quickly enough. My mom and her half-sister are happy to have found each other & that is most important.

      I like it when Eric takes out the trash. That is my day made. :)

  4. Sounds like you both had a good time, each in your own way!

  5. Was Eric on his own for the ride? That's even more remarkable to be doing it all under your own steam, so to speak. I imagine riding with friends would be more motivating. A nice walk around hilly San Francisco is enough of a workout for the likes of me!

    1. Eric had invited others to join via Strava, but didn't get any early birds to join him. Maybe the weekend after Xmas and before New Year's saw a lot of folk out of town?

  6. Congrats to Eric. Half a 500 is nothing to sneeze at.

    Glad you got to spend time with your new-found family.

    1. Yeah, he's one big sore muscle today, but he's good.

      The family fest was good, if however a bit tiring. :)

  7. Good for each of you, getting out there. CCR and I went through college together. Tambourines and elephants, playing in the band....

    1. CCR sounds like some of the best music one can have while attending college.

      Yes, good for us, indeed!


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