Friday, December 20, 2019

Just in time for the holidays.

Joanne's lovely rose and lavender towels arrived in the post the other day. I purchased two of each color. I've sent two off to their new homes for Christmas and given one to a Christmas Eve baby who is turning 50.

With each towel came a swanky business card and I sent them along with the towels as well. Joanne has both her email and blog information printed on the cards. I think making the blog available to prospective buyers is a fun idea and it's a nice way to get to know the artist, as it were. One of the four towels will find a new home in my kitchen drawer. I couldn't bear to part with both of the lavender ones.


  1. Aren't they beautiful things? They just get better when they are used too. I cannot even estimate how often ours are washed, and they get softer and softer - while retaining their absorbency.

    1. They are wonderful dish towels. Joanne is a fantastic weaver.

  2. They are so wonderful, I love them too.

  3. I agree! I have two red ones and I absolutely love them! -Jenn

    1. It's nice to think that Joanne's towels are in kitchens all around the world.

  4. They are lovely and look very usable.
    I have received some guest towels and never use them because they look too fancy to use. lol
    Never can have too many.

  5. I have two and they are amazing and awesome. I need to order some more. Thanks for the reminder. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!

  6. I'm sure she'll appreciate repeat business.


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