Tuesday, April 14, 2020

TP sighting and other things

Yesterday marked the first day in nearly three weeks that I had been able to find toilet paper and other paper products at the local market. I bought a pack and a 3-pack of paper towels to boot. It's funny, but everyone I had been speaking to about the shortage of TP in the stores always said to me: 'Oh, I have a bunch. I'm totally set. Just let me know if you need any...' Um, could that be why those of us who tend to buy a new pack only once the old one is nearly out are having such difficulty finding any now? 


I have done nothing of note since the settle-in-place order began. --no great books read, no art created, no sourdough* bread loaves baked. I have, however, been keeping up with Pilates via an online Zoom class & I've become quite fond of a Youtuber Yogini called Lesley Fightmaster. Her tone and pacing fit me to a T. I also like that she reinforces throughout the session that the practice is not about how well one can execute a pose, but rather how one feels while doing it. As a sort of beginner who nevertheless feels the need to be perfect, I appreciate hearing that (again and again). 


Are all super tiny versions of things we normally experience as larger always cuter?
One rarely find sea urchins, live or dead, at my hometown beach. I was blown away by finding such a teensy-tiny sea urchin shell amid the rocks the other day at low tide. I think that the Japanese would call this 'kawaii'/'かわいい'. Which is, incidentally, also the name for an island of Hawaii. 

*We have a starter in the fridge that we feed weekly. -just haven't gotten our butts in gear to bake a loaf!


  1. Just love that little sea urchin. Have never seen one that small.

  2. I adore the sea urchin and had one of a similar size which I treasured for years. Until a cat got to it.
    Today for the first time in weeks I saw toilet paper in the store. Not much but some. We have some and walked past (hoping it is there when we need it).
    Flour is at a premium here so there will be no baking.
    Stay well, stay safe.

    1. Flour seems to be flying off the shelf as quickly as paper products here. We do have a sack of the stuff, fortunately. I feel a loaf baked at home may be in our future!

  3. I found an urchin shell even smaller than that in a washed salad. They must have washed it in seawater.

  4. It's so weeny! ... No great shakes here, either. Rationing my dried yeast and have discovered 1/4 teaspoon is perfectly adequate for the 5-minute overnight bread, so I've not had to resort to mucking about with sourdough again. Too much planning and it doesn't suit my spontaneous nature, hahah! If it comes to it, I'll be making flatbread in the end. While all the bakeries in my neck of the woods are still pumping out bread, I've not suddenly woken up and decided that I now find $8 plus for a loaf is a reasonable price, in spite of now not spending a brass razoo on eating out.

    Zooming ballet classes, both paid and free (yay!). Wasting too much time on the memes and home videos which abound. My blog drafts grow in number but nothing gets posted. Books are being read at a glacial pace. Had FaceTime drinks with friends last night and have another date lined up for tomorrow night. It's more than we would normally go out mid-week! Made a new ironing board cover today. That's my achievements for now ... Glad you're well and enjoying your zoom-ercise!

    1. Yikes! That's a hefty price for a bakery loaf!

      Zoom seems to really be helping us keep with our exercise and dance classes.

      I wonder what to write about that isn't Covid 19-related. There are a lot of unfinished drafts here as well.

      Enjoy your FaceTime drinks and be well! x

  5. You don't think of them that small. But it is exquisite..which is not the word a friend from Blenheim in NZ used when he dropped a Kina on his foot when he had been fishing..and some spines stuck in his foot...

    1. No, you really don't, do you?

      Ouch! Kina foot drop=no fun.

  6. I actually took someone up on the TP thing a couple weeks ago. I found some in the store last week. But I needed the pack I scrounged before then. I think we slowly might be getting back to having all in the stores soon.

    1. Oh, and in answer to your question on my blog, I know L.A. County has a mask-in-public (well, stores and essential businesses) order in place. I'm not sure about the other counties. I've heard rumblings that it's true for Orange and Riverside Counties, but I haven't heard one way or the other for the others.

    2. It's interesting to note the county-by-county behavior. I was just in a store and some folk had masks while others did not. If there were to be a 'mask order', then I should think that counties would be on the hook to provide...

      Wouldn't it be nice, if all domiciles had bidets? :D

    3. Just heard from my cousin that Sonoma Co. is implementing a mask order this week.

  7. I've seen the TP shortage ascribed to the change in the supply chain. It used to come from the industrial supply chain to the factory or office. Now everyone is using the bathroom at home 24/7, a whole new supply chain must be stocked up and fed.

    1. I have seen that argument too - but toilet paper flew off the shelves here weeks before businesses were shut down.

    2. Ah, interesting. I hadn't known that.

  8. I am glad you found some TP. I was pretty proud of myself when I scored some TP. It's still slim pickings around here but we should be good for a bit. We will find out tomorrow from our governor how much longer the quarantine is going to last. It was supposed to end on Thursday but I think he's going to extend it through the end of the month.

    1. Yeah, I think our Gov. will sort of check the scene come May 1st, but I think it likely he'll extend settle-in-place.

  9. I confess to having a supply of tp on hand, but I always have spares in case of earthquake, or I become ill and can’t get out of the house should I run out. Always keep extra cans chicken soup on hand, too, for the same reason. No one else to run errands for me.

    I’ve always loved miniatures but that sea urchin is precious.

    1. The wee urchin is so precious, isn't it?

      I always seem to have too much pasta in the cupboard, so that cache has come in handy.


A piece of your mind here:

Postal Service, part II

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