Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Floyd Protest

Protests are being held in cities across the country this weekend in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. San Francisco, unlike neighboring San Jose and Oakland, held its protest this afternoon instead of last night. The rally began at noon in front of City Hall. I went down to be a part of it. The group assembled was mostly peaceful. The folk in charge of putting on the event invited various speakers to share words of inspiration...I think. A constant whirring of helicopter blades overhead cut out a majority of what could be heard even though a megaphone was used throughout. 

At one point I noticed an individual coming over to where some of us stood to the side of the steps (read: quasi stage) with a placard in his hand. He chucked it over the barrier while mumbling to himself. The sign read: White Silence = Violence. I thought his behavior odd as the placard's message was in line with why we were assembled. A white guy came out of the crowd to retrieve the tossed sign. As he passed the man who'd taken his sign, he yelled, 'Asshole!' and kept moving. Sign Stealer then puffed up his chest and asked if the other dude, who had left the scene by this time, wanted to fight. I believe he used the words: 'I will kick your ass, bitch!' It was at this point that I contemplated going home. A few minutes later, Sign Stealer was back in our corner of the crowd with yet another placard reading much the same as the first one. He began to crush the sign in his hands and was just about to toss it over the barricade when one of the organizers came over to ask him what his deal was. The guy hopped over the barrier to move away from her while saying that he had objected to the use of the word 'white' on both the placards. (And that's when I knew that this joker was either mentally ill or just looking to brawl or both.) The organizer said to him with raised voice and finger pointed at him: 'These people are allies. Stop taking their signs.' His response was to chant: 'White Power! White Power!' in her face. A few of us backed away from him at that point. I lingered a bit to snap his photo (thankfully he didn't see me) and then I beat feet for home. 

Starting to assemble just after noon today at City Hall.
And about an hour later.

His second sign snatched and crumpled as the woman in the background is about to tell him off for his behavior.

Kook close-up. 


  1. I am so glad (and a tad surprised) that he was on his own and didn't have the support of like minded friends. I was also surprised (my prejudices are showing) that he was wearing a mask.
    My heart aches. When will this end. What will it take? Though I am encouraged that the officer has been charged with murder. Murder it assuredly was.
    Stay safe dear friend.

    1. Yes, I feel like if he had been part of a group, then he would have seemed less insane.

      When will it end, indeed? The multiple acts of police brutality we have been made aware of in the past number of years are sickening.

      I shall endeavor to stay safe, E.C. Thank you. x

  2. Yes, do stay safe. It is such a shocking situation and, since it happened, I have had lots of similar examples coming up in my Facebook feed. When and how will it all end.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I don't know the answer beyond better police accountability coupled with swift and severe action. Most officers in the states don't ever seem to even be charged with a crime in such cases as these. His having been brought up on charges, albeit lesser than what was hoped, is a start.

  3. Horrible and bad had happened. May he RIP

  4. I cannot believe this is still going on. I also cannot believe that they finally got around to arresting the murderer but his accomplices who stood around watching still have not been charged with anything. I's almost as if they want a long hot Summer of violence during the time of covid. As for Trump...

    1. All four must be prosecuted. Will that happen? Probably not.

  5. Racism will destroy America. It's been a festering gangrenous wound since the first European set foot on American soil.

  6. I've been hearing of supremacists and undercovers showing up at these things doing what they can to stir up trouble. Taking the peaceful protests and turning them violent. Glad you got out of there.

    1. Absolutely, this is what's happening. The looting in Union Square last eve has nothing to do with protesting police brutality.

  7. This is bigger than all of us now. I wonder how it will end.

    1. Indeed. We here on the West Coast are going into a second night of imposed curfew as a result of bad actors destroying property & looting.

  8. Troubling times and I am afraid it's going to get worse. People are angry over so many things and George Floyd's murder sent them over the edge. Take care.

  9. Stay careful because in such situations it is usually a lot to infiltrate and provoke an atmosphere of confusion and heat up. Hopefully this case will not be sustainable soon.

    1. Yes, you're correct about there being outside agitators. Thank you for your comment.

  10. Good for you going to the protest!


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