Monday, May 4, 2020

Kook and colors

Antioch, a somewhat downtrodden city east of the East Bay region here in No. California, rarely gets in the news for anything positive. In the 80s, Antioch had the dubious distinction of being a methamphetamine-making hub. I've just read in the paper that an Antioch city official has revealed himself to be a dickhead. In a since-deleted social media post this man said, 'the sick, the old, the injured' should be left during the Covid-19 crisis to meet their 'natural course in nature'. He also wrote that, 'the World has been introduced to a new phrase Herd Immunity which is a good one. In my opinion we need to adapt a Herd Mentality. A herd gathers it ranks, it allows the sick, the old, the injured to meet' its demise, basically. Aside from the blunt language, this official is employing the Trumpian tactic of random capitalization in his missive. This is English, not German and we don't capitalize nouns. I don't know the man's political affiliation, but I tend to think that he is a member of the GOP. This city official also pitched in that 'homeless and other people who just defile themselves by either choice or mental issues' should also be allowed to die and that that 'would fix what is a significant burden on our Society and resources that can be used'. 

Fortunately, his crude rant cost him his city position. But, who knows, if he's lucky maybe he'll be score a gig at the White House? Given the caliber of folks working in and around the WH currently, I'm sure he'd fit right in. 

Hopefully, this next bit can act like a palate cleanser--

Hermit crab housed in a very groovy-looking shell.

No offense to the Turban snail, whose plentiful shells make for a sturdy hermit crab home, but were I a wee crab, then I would want to live in the above shell. I have no idea what the snail living in the brightly-colored shell is called. In fact, I have never before encountered a shell so bright on my visits to the tide-pools. After the photo-op, our man skittered back into the water and away from me. Probably a good move on his part. 

When walking over large rocks, I can usually count on crabs scuttling out of sight as I pass by. This raspberry-colored crab, however, did not move as I approached. I was able to kneel down, and, sans zoom function, take a close-up photo at my leisure. The crab never once moved. Maybe he had no where to go (although it looked like he did).

Immovable crab.

The tide was low enough to expose lots of vibrant sea grass. Bits of it would wrap around my ankles as I waded through the water. 

A bit of sea grass waving in the water.
May you all be well. x


  1. Lovely sea life. Is that top one for real or has someone painted it?

    1. I swear to you it's for real! Could not have been prettier if it tried.

  2. Thank you for the delightful antidote to the first oxygen thief.

  3. That first hermit crab shell is getting ready for Gay Pride in June!

  4. You see such great things on your walks. It's amazing how many people are showing their asses on Twitter. You'd think people would be ashamed to say such things "out loud".

    1. I'm lucky at the beach, for sure. Yeah, WTH with that guy from Antioch?! What a callous SOB.


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