Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

I let my subscription to The New Yorker magazine lapse last year, so have missed seeing telling covers like the one above by a Marin County artist called Brian Stauffer. Incidentally, I can imagine Trump trying to look at an eclipse in this get-up. -one step up for him from directly staring at the sun, I'd guess.


At the beach the other day, I spied loads of Snowy Plovers hustling in the surf for grub. They, like other shore birds, seem to act as one unit, moving in tandem with the surf, penetrating the wet sand with their beaks in search of small crabs to nibble on. The small birds seemed to be hyper aware of potential predators; I'd advance with my camera and they'd scurry or fly away from me. 

Approaching the birds on my walk down the beach--

On my second pass with the Plovers on the way back down the beach, I was able to stop a bit closer for this shot--

Taking a break from the search for sand crabs.

We found out yesterday that the settle-in-place order for SF and surrounding counties has been extended through May. Despite the order's extension, the physical therapy office I have been visiting on and off since last spring will reopen May 4th. Apparently, PT clinics are considered 'key businesses' and many have remained opened throughout the pandemic. I'm glad to be able to again be seen, but am not keen on making the journey downtown. We'll see how it goes with public transport. 

So it will be another month of, in the main, staying home and doing very little. I'm thinking of my friends who just opened a creperie in Berkeley. How will they fare moving into May? Their cafe is located at the north end of the Cal Berkeley campus. This is a prime locale for businesses that cater to the heavy student population in that area. Of course, campuses are still closed and many students are sheltering-in-place away from Berkeley with their parents. If my friends cannot generate a robust 'take-away' business, then how will they hope to pay their bills? I can only imagine how stressed they must be right now. 

May you all be well. x


  1. Love the plovers.
    We are being encouraged to continue to stay home. How I would love a beach to walk on, but for the moment the garden and nearby streets suffice.
    Most of our health practices (dentists exluded) remain open. For which I am grateful.
    Stay well, stay safe.
    And sigh at the masked buffoon.

    1. Dentists are shut in your area? Hmm. One can't really keep one's distance in that scenario, to be sure. If a tooth needs pulling, then, I guess concessions are made?

    2. It has to be an absolute emergency. An abscess at a minimum is my guess. Just toothache is insufficient. Hopefully as we gradually lift restrictions dentistry will be an early cab off the rank.

  2. Many small businesses will not survive this, unless they have a personal money tree in the backyard.

  3. I can imagine all those birds flying in unison.

    1. Yes, they look great flying as a unit. I like watching them run up and down the beach as a pack as well.

  4. There are aspects to this shut-down which I quite enjoy. I am a little worried about what we will all do when things begin to reopen though.

    1. I visited a plant nursery over the weekend thinking that I could easily get in and get out with a few succulents. The place was PACKED OUT with shoppers. It really stressed me out to be there even though we were all kitted out with masks (and some with gloves). I imagine that there will be an increased sense of anxiety as more businesses begin to reopen.

  5. Saw that picture of the orange one the other day and thought to myself the same thing, lol. Too bad he didn't have it on instead of staring at the eclipse. The man really is pathetic. Wonderful picture of your time at the beach the other day. Stay well.
    Sandy's Space

  6. This is one of the reasons we have been doing a bit of take out eating. That, and sometimes you just don't want to eat your own cooking...

    Great to see the birds like that. I bet they're enjoying the lack of people.

    1. Yeah, supporting local eateries means that they might make it through the shut-down. Good idea.

      The birds are great. I'll bet wildlife is enjoying less humans in theirs areas!

  7. The hospitality sector is hard hit here too, it will a long time before eateries open again. How can you keep social distance in a restaurant?

    Your beach looks fairly empty of people, perhaps that’s why there are so many birds.

    1. With respect to my pal's creperie, if it's just 'take-away' and it's just my friend and her spouse at the helm...it could work?

      Otherwise, to keep socially distant while dining in house would be near impossible.

      The Plovers have also benefited from a concerted conservation effort. When I was a kid in the '70s, I saw NO Plovers. It's great to have their nos. up these days.

  8. Me and my family miss the beaches. Some day we will able to come back again. We are opening in phases beginning May 1 here in Idaho. If all goes well, then Phase 2 will happen in mid-May. I think it's going to be a giant shit show since one of the places that are able to open May 1 are churches. It might get interesting.

    1. Yeah, that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
      I have to verify, but I think our gov. will close all state parks and beaches come May 1. -not looking forward to that move.

    2. I saw that. Sorry. Hopefully you will be able to find another spot to recharge.

  9. Yes we are are still in lockdown. I think they may start to lesson the restrictions a bit next week, but they are now saying the lockdown here in the UK has been too successful and people are too scared to go out again. Many large businesses have already gone under, with many more on the way. I think it will take a long time for this country to recover from this.

    1. Wow, large businesses are going under as well? That's going to be rough on the country. I thought I had read that John Lewis may not reopen its doors once the shut-down is over. That seems unfathomable, but maybe not...?

      Be well. x


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