Friday, January 7, 2022

What's in a name?

I rarely call my husband by his first name. It's not that I don't care for his name, but rather I like calling him by his various nicknames better. I think he just tolerates the goofy names I have for him, but at least he responds to them.

Since bringing the two cats home a few months' back, I have been inspired to call them all sorts of things besides their actual names. 

From the time I left the linen closet door ajar--
Bart is on the left; Marcel on the right

Marcel is also:

Little Cat
Weasel (long body, usually leads with his nose)

Bart is usually:

Barticus Maximus (he is 15 pounds of muscle)
Big Boy
Weezy (he has a respiratory issue)

Since they rarely respond to anything other than the jingling of a kitty-treat bag, these names are really more for me. 


  1. Cucamonga -- so fun! Barticus Maximus -- inspired! But why didn't you share with us your goofy names for your husband, LOL?

    1. Marginal embarrassment. BoBo and Biscuit are two of many my husband is saddled with. :D

  2. Smiling. Our cats often refuse to respond to their names but when we had multiple cats we discovered they DID know them. If we called one of them the others would turn and look at that cat - who may or may not respond.
    And yes, the cats have a range of names. My partner doesn't. Yet.

    1. Wow. Very cool. Cats are clever.
      Here's to your partner picking up nicknames as time goes on!

  3. I still sometimes call my wife "Mummy", even though the kids have grown up.

  4. Beautiful blog. Happy new year ��

  5. I think people and pets like to hear their name. Animals identify I think with it, so it may be confusing to them to call them a variety of names. Though I do have some nicknames for hubby. Often it's hey honey. Nice to see you back to the blog world. I've checked in for you several times.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Hi, Sandy! HNY to you and yours. :)
      And thank you so much for checking in. x

  6. My husband called me Booby, even in public. I retaliated by calling him the same. He liked it. We were only married nine years,

  7. Their names are for you, anyway. Very creative.

  8. Cute, both the cats and the names!

  9. No pet of mine has ever been called by its originally given name. Still, they always knew I was talking to them.
    That's a pair of sweeties you have there.

  10. Cucamonga and Barticus Maximus look awesome and I love all of the names, Bea. I should devote a blog post to the many nicknames Ms. Frizzle has acquired over the years.

  11. Cute cats with interesting facial markings. Nicknames for people and pets can be fun, most of the time. My Mom's second husband always called her Kid-er -- not meaning a jokester but kid as a person.

    1. I like that nickname for your mom. I hope she like it, too!

  12. Dear Bea, we had a barn cat when I was growing up. And many names were direct at her depending on her activities in and around the barn with its chickens . . . and what dad called "Vermin."

    Then, as an adult, a friend gave me a cat when I was 36 because I lived alone in a very small apartment and she thought I needed company. She was right! Dulcy became "the sweet one," "Dulcinea," and "Dear One.

    In the intervening 53 years, I've lived with Bartleby, Tybalt, Pam, Eliza Doolittle, Jeremiah, Noah, Laz, Raissa, Matthew, Maggie, and Ellie. I've not had goofy or loving names for any of them. The thing is that as one has died and I've brought into our home another companion or two or three!!! I find myself unwittingly using the names of those felines who had gone to live with Bastet-Net, the Great God of Cats. So I think the cats are mostly confused by my name calling. Peace.


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