Monday, November 14, 2022

Prop J for Joy & a sorry state

Whelp! We did it (again)! Car-free JFK Blvd, just a 1.3 mile stretch of roadway, may retain its promenade status. In the San Francisco voting map below one can see all the 'yes' votes in green across all voter precincts in the city. The lavender hues show all the 'no' votes. I have roughly circled where Golden Gate Park fits into the map in white. It's interesting to note that a majority of the west side of town--those areas flanking the park-- opposed prop J. As for why a chunk of SE SF opposed prop J I would look to that area's supervisor. He has vehemently & vocally opposed the permanant closure of JFK Blvd from Kezar Dr. to Transverse Dr. from the very beginning. My only hope is that top Republican donor Dede Wilsey keeps her coin purse closed and that we don't have to go through this b.s. when voting comes 'round again. 


My father died twenty years ago this past October. His widow, a drunken recluse who steadfastly refuses to be seen by anyone, recently took a tumble on the back patio of her home and could not pick herself up from the ground. The reason I know this is because neighbors heard her cries for help and rang the authorities. Firefighters, first responders to these types of issues, arrived on scene to help her up and check for injuries. They saw what a sorry state she's been in for years and told her they'd bring her to the hospital. She refused to be taken until someone was able to ring her son and he was able to override her protestations. 

To the hospital she went where it was determined that not only was she underweight but also malnourished. (Not a huge surprise.) However, luckily, she hadn't broken any bones in the fall. After a couple of days in the hospital, she was transferred to a local rehab facility. It's there where she'll receive both physical therapy and nourishment. Although I thoroughly dislike the woman I do not wish her to experience any more pain--there has been a chronic issue with her back that she has for years refused to seek treatment for--so hopefully the stay in rehab will do her well. 


  1. Fingers and toes crossed on both counts. Your father's widow sounds very like my mama. After a major stroke she spent nine months in hospital. One of the very first things she did when she returned home was to ring up and order alcohol. And yes, at intervals my mama also suffered from malnutrition.

    1. Yeah, I would imagine that she may wish to quit her vices, but doing so would prove to be quite challenging.

  2. Hope it goes well for her. One doesn't wish I'll to anyone, whatever.
    My ex (myself and kids kicked him out in 1997, mental cruelty) has just had a stroke and is in hospital . My daughter has found that he is a serious hoarder and his place isn't fit for him to return to..

    1. That's a challenging situation. No one wants to learn that their parent/s has been living that way.

  3. Glad to hear Prop J passed. Hopefully that doesn't come up again.

    Sorry to hear about your father's widow. It sounds like she'll just go back to her old ways when she gets out of rehab, sadly. But maybe it might be of some help.

    1. Yeah, that's my thought as well re: widow.
      And, yes, YAY for J!!

  4. Yay for car-free JFK Blvd! And I hope your father's widow gets the help she needs. Take care Bea. Hope the kitties are doing well.

  5. Yay for J!! Thanks, bud. I appreciate the comment.

  6. Yippee on the vote, and I sure hope it stays that way so you don't have to fight for it again. It really makes good sense to have it be carless in my opinion. How stupid for thos surrounding the park not to see that. Good luck. Sorry to here about the fall, but am sitting nodding in understanding. Older people are so stubbord about receiving help and many are malnurished. They either can't cook for themselves, or just aren't interested in eating balanced meals. Some I think stretch a meal to 3 to save $$, and others may be forgetful enough not to remember if they ate. Sounds like she should not be living alone and needs to be in a facility.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Sandy, I would agree with you. If she were to return home, then it's very likely she'd revert back to the behaviors that led her to a rehab center in the first place.

  7. It's good your father's widow is getting the help she needs. And yes I can relate to you disliking someone but still not wishing them more pain. That makes you a good person.


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