Sunday, May 14, 2023

Never say never...?

I did go back to my Dad's house one last time before everything was taken away to be either disposed of or sold. The impetus for this visit was that my sister had mentioned Dad having worn a neck chain and she was hoping to have it. I couldn't quite remember if he had or hadn't worn a chain, but was willing to go and sniff around. 

No neck chain or any other jewelry of any kind could be found possibly having belonged to Dad on premises. What I did find, however, tucked behind near shedloads of never opened Christmas bauble boxes and wee Nutcrackers were a couple of 'tropical delights' in the master bedroom closet--

I painted these two pieces in art class when I was about 15 years old. -hadn't remembered giving them to Dad--nor did I much remember having done them, but as I've signed the bottom right corner, apparently, I did! I really wanted to become an artist back then. Dad told me that artists don't make any money and that I should become a bus driver or mail carrier instead. No offense to anyone who performs either of these jobs, but neither seemed terribly fulfilling. 

I'm no Mary Cassatt and never will be, but seeing these old art class assignments after three decades makes me want to pick up a brush again. Who knows? Maybe I will. 


  1. Maybe that's why they found themselves there waiting for you

    1. That's truly a lovely way of thinking about the closet find. x

  2. gz is right. And, as an appreciator rather than a creator, I hope you will pick up the brushes again.

  3. They are good, especially for a 15 year-old. When you next pick up a brush, paint something different. You face a lot of competition from Indonesian street artists with that subject matter.

    1. P.S. They are good because you have got the space right between everything. They are not flat.

    2. Haha! Yes, I can imagine. And, thanks, too, for the feedback.

  4. What a pleasant surprise, finding art done in your teens!

  5. Yes! Start painting again! Reclaim the enthusiasm of your youth!

    1. Coming from a talented artist such as yourself, I appreciate the verbal thumb's up! x

  6. I'm so sorry your dad wasn't supportive of your dream. Even just painting for yourself is a great thing to do. I hope you pick up the brushes again.

    1. That is very kind of you to say, Liz. Thank you.x

  7. Well done, the long ago paintings, and finding them.

    1. Thanks, Joanne. And Happy Mother's Day to you!


A piece of your mind here:

Earthquakes and old friends...

I was en route to my mom's place in the East Bay around 11a when a warning message flashed across my phone's screen: TSUNAMI WARNING...