Saturday, May 27, 2023

Simply the best.

A nasty cold currently has me down for the count. I'd planned to spend my day off visiting a relative in hospital and taking a Pilates class. Instead I've been sitting in the same arm chair for the better part of the afternoon. UGH. 

I know that resting is part and parcel of being on the mend, but it's hard for me to 'take it easy' as I feel like I'm wasting time. Recovering from being ill isn't a time waste, of course, but it's hard not to play that tape in my head. Anyone else feel this way? I imagine I'm not alone here. 

I just read in the paper that Tina Turner has died at age 83. Logically, we know that everyone will die at some point, but, like with Prince, I sort of can't believe she's gone. Silly, I know. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to re-post an old title from 2013 for your perusal. It's not really about Tina, per se, but given her passing is somewhat apropos. I was living in Zurich at the time and Ms. Turner was, as the link's title states, my neighbor (sort of). My husband and I were visiting Küsnacht, where Tina lived with her husband, and we walked by a very large and imposing gated property along the lake. The entry gate was kitted out with multiple cameras facing the main road and gold-leafed signage along the top of the wrought iron gate. No other property along the water had such a grand entrance. It's was Tina's.

Tina Turner was my neighbor.

Küsnacht, Kanton Zürich, home of Ms. Turner


  1. It's called convalescence for a reason, dear Bea, and your once Swiss neighbours were all over this essential, so I'm surprised you don't have a souvenir of your time there in the form of an invalid's cup with an embossed stamp of a fancy spa :)

    Love the pic of Tina Turner in the newspaper link in your bonus post. She would have been in her 60s, I suppose, and looking fabulous!

    1. You are absolutely correct, Pip. And, for sure, a visit to a Kurort would have been in order while there. Didn't integrate well enough to have put that in my date book, I guess. :)
      Tina was always put together. What a woman.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Sad about Tina Turner. I am always surprised at the age of these personalities as I think of them being much younger.

    1. Thank you, Susan. And, yes, it is sad. She was part of the soundtrack of so many of our lives.

  3. I once passed Tina Turner, returning to her trailer in South Carolina. I smiled and said Hello and she smiled and said hello back. Now go back to sleep and get over that cold.

  4. Interesting! Did you ever take that tour of famous gravesites in Switzerland that you talked about?

    1. I wish that I had, Debra. Never got around to it, unfortunately.

  5. She was larger than life and so very talented (and determined). It is somehow hard to believe she is gone.
    How rest up. Please. And thanks for the link to that post.

  6. I suppose T.T.'s death is more unreal because she was so ALIVE (would have used italics if I could - I'm not shouting) on stage.

  7. Yup, I know how you feel. I've been trying to rewrite that tape this past year, letting myself have down time even when not sick and not feeling like I needed to be constantly productive. It's a process. I hope you feel better soon. Try to enjoy your down time.


A piece of your mind here:

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