Friday, November 15, 2024

A park at the beach? Why, yes!

I have spent the past few months campaigning for Prop K, the gist of which was to turn a road for cars near the Pacific Ocean into a park. Fortunately, the tireless efforts of many, many volunteers proved successful and WE WON. Nationally, election results have been mostly abhorrent. I'm so glad we prevailed here, locally, with this issue as it takes a teeny-tiny bit of the sting out of knowing who'll be occupying the White House come January.

Doing 'visibility' with Snowy D. Plover last Monday. 

Taking a walk on the Great Highway once results showed Prop K would pass. 

I live on the west side of the city very near the ocean. If one looks at a map of the city (found by clicking on the link above) showing a break-down on how folk voted on Prop K, it's clear that a majority of my neighbors in District 4 did not want a park. Or maybe I should say that they did not want the misinformation that they'd been fed on social media about what Prop K was about to come into being. One of the main fibs was that Prop K was some Trojan Horse type ruse meant to usher in large building projects and that our coastline would be marred by a 'Miami skyline'. Never mind that there is no zoning allowed for such a build. I spent a bit of time on NextDoor dipping my toe into the No on K posts and saw that people were very much believing the rather multi-faceted lie about what the passage of Prop K would bring. There seemed to be no way to convince these people that they were falling for bald-faced lies, so I took to reporting posts for spreading Prop K falsehoods. If I were to try and talk to these folk IRL while out canvassing for Prop K, I would either be yelled at or told that I just didn't really know what I was campaigning for and a look of pity would come across their faces. The 'no' votes came from my neighbors, primarily, who seemed to have bought into the boogeyman narrative of skyscrapers popping up in our backyards hook, line and sinker.  The majority of 'yes' votes were from the northern and eastern parts of town, for the most part. I'm thankful that this issue was put to a city-wide vote else we would not have won.

The misinformation campaign brought by the No on K folks and propagated on various social media sites hindered us, but didn't defeat us. We will have our park and it will be a park for all.  


  1. Big congrats to you and all the other Prop K folks! And inquiring minds want to know . . . is that YOU in the Snowy D. Plover mascot outfit?

    1. The woman in the bird suit is not me. I stood with her and shook my own 'tail feathers' while holding a stick on sign (the one on the grass). I took the photo. :)

  2. Great achievement. It is despicable how there seems to be no place for informed debate anymore. If you want to argue a case all you have to do is make up a load of half-plausible lies and people will believe them. There seems to be no sense of guilt or shame in saying things that are demonstrably wrong or untrue. Closed ears and closed minds.

    1. Thank you, Tasker. This park win is a bright spot in the darkness.
      And, I agree, it boggles the mind how quickly and how many people fell for the lies. I recall saying to a neighbor who literally thought we were campaigning for skyscrapers to hit our shores: This is about a park.
      She responded with: I hope you're right.

  3. Well done. A park for all to enjoy...even the grousers!!

    1. I was on the Great Highway after the win (it's currently in a state of compromise--park at the weekend & road for cars M-F) last Saturday and heard a dude angrily say to his friends: We don't need a park here!!!
      I'm thinking: Buddy, you're on it right now.

  4. So much disinformation out there. It's sad that people fall for it. We have to be smarter about what we believe as those that want things to fail will find ways to make the lies seem believable, especially to a dumb public.

  5. Good for you! Unlike the current national fiasco, this result will benefit the voters who didn't want it for the wrong reasons.

    1. Yes! This issue has shades of fighting for care-free JFK Blvd in Golden Gate Park from a couple years' back. Folks walking safely on a park road while complaining that they don't want to take away the road for cars. You're on it, babes!

  6. I am so glad that you will have your park. And a big and empathic sigh on the 'other' election results.

  7. Good for you! I do wish people would question and research these things, not just read and believe.


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