Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Divided we stood.

At the weekend, a bunch of us Prop K volunteers along with the group behind getting the proposition up and running met up on The Great Highway for a victory rally. The informal soiree kicked off Saturday at noon. At 12.30p, I was still mooching around the house when I looked at an online post by another supporter who shared a picture of a cohort of No on K folks standing at the event with their No...K signs raised high in the air. I then decided to get down to the Great Highway fast in order to counter whatever the anti-park people might have up their sleeves. 

When I arrived, there had already been a round of singing of Woody Guthrie's This Land is Your Land and I'd also missed one of the main architects of Prop K giving a short speech. The No on K contingent, standing on the other side of the median dividing oppositional lanes of traffic (fitting!) were quietly chanting something like: Open the Great Highway over and over, but it was fairly easy to ignore. One woman dressed as a bunny and holding an NO on K sign had been a bit prickly with one of the Prop K supporters who had attempted chat with her, but, other than that, nothing of note happened. The park police, I should add, were on hand were some sort of scuffle to have kicked off. Fortunately, nothing untoward occurred. I stayed at the gathering after the last of the NO folks walked off, then made my way back home. 

Note the NOers in the background of this image. Photo credit: SF Chronicle

Here's a sort of crap shot I took of the No on K peeps from my perch on the Yes side of the street.


  1. Sigh. I am glad it got up though. Very glad.

    1. Me, too. Someone at the rally mentioned that they thought the No folk were 'graceless' for having shown up.

  2. Why show up to a victory party when you were on the losing side? Yikes. People are weird.

    1. They want to overturn the results of the election. It's pretty silly/awful.

  3. Good for you. Glad it worked out and that you participated. Showing up with anti signs at a victory party is disgusting.
    Sandy's Space
    We recently had Neo-Nazi's marching in our streets, I fear things are going to be ugly.

    1. That's terrifying. Were they given a police escort? Did anyone protest their march?

  4. Time to go fight another losing battle, NO K crowd. You are now the KO crowd because the YES K group knocked you out.

  5. I'm so glad there was no escalation, that's good!


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