Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween on the Ave.

Businesses passed out sweets yesterday along the block where I work.  Kiddies came into the shop in fancy dress (or not) and we deposited a couple of pieces of fair-trade chocolate into each plastic jack-o-lantern pail.

Costumes that stuck out:

-a red dragon with a runny nose.

-a fairy princess channeling her inner Thor--at one point she raised her fist in the air and shouted, 'SCARE!'

-a mommy dressed as a single candy corn and her eight-week-old baby boy dressed as if he were going to burning man (think fur boots and skull cap with googles).  Looking into her son's candy collecting pail, I'd say Mom made out like a bandit.

-a tall girl in a dress wearing a bowler garnished with flowers who, when asked, said she was 'Mary Poppins' (sans parasol).  I asked her if she flew here using her umbrella and she gave me a blank look.


-a little boy with red coloring in his hair and on his hands wearing a large backpack said that he had dressed up for school as Nicki Minaj.  'The pillows are in my backpack!'  He won for 'scariest' costume.  I asked how it was he had not won the 'best' costume prize and was told that they didn't have that category.  Oh, right.  I forgot.

LA face with an Oakland booty.


  1. Our little town holds a similar (well exactly the same) event every year as the one you speak of. We had a good time this (didn't make it last year) and well it wasn't freezing either. The kids got too much candy and we were able to escape without blisters. Wooo Halloween.

    1. No blisters is a good thing! Hope the kids enjoyed their trick or treat experience. :)


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