Thursday, May 19, 2016


The kitchen is nearly packed as is the dining room. There's the clothes, bath items, nic-nacs, and bed linens to be dealt with next. We've averaged schlepping 6 boxes per trip in our wee car over to the new place the past two nights. Tonight will be no exception. On through into the weekend and we'll, hopefully, have all but the biggest items left for the movers next week.

The above shots are of the living room and office areas, respectively, of our last place in Zurich once we'd moved out. Note the 'port hole' window in the office and the slate floor in the living room area. The quite elderly architect and owner of this building of flats had had a long career designing civic buildings in his younger days. From what I understand, this was his only foray into creating an apartment house some twenty years ago. I loved it.

The dining area is lined on three sides with floor-to-ceiling windows (you can see a snippet of them in the top photo). I loved sitting at the dining room table, staring out toward the block of flats down the hill, lush green trees behind it.

Up a flight of stairs from the living room is a cosy sitting area and attendant deck. During the warmer months we spent a majority of our time out here grilling and lounging. On August 1st, Switzerland National Day, and on New Year's, one could just make out the firework show put on at Lake Zurich through the tops of the trees across the valley.

The curious jay and ample back yard are the only two things we'll truly miss about the place we're moving from, to be honest. I'm not sad to go. The new place has no yard access, but does have a wee deck. No view of fireworks, but we will have a view of the landlord's citrus trees.


  1. Moving is exhausting.
    I hope it goes well and you can settle into admiring those citrus trees quickly.

    1. Thank you, E.C. We've had four significant moves in the past 6 years--one across the USA & 3 internationals. I've gotten a bit better about not stressing out, but, as you've said, moving is so exhausting.

  2. After 2 moves last year, I've said never again. It is the worst as far as I am concerned. You must be a pro at it. Good luck, Bea.

    1. I am packing like a pro, fortunately. As I mentioned to EC, I'm less frazzled by this move, but I still feel discombobulated by it all. :S

  3. Whoa, your place in Zurich was amazing! :) i bet the new place will be too


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