Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Putting everything in order...sort of.

The Great Unpacking is upon me and I just don't want to do it! Can't I just leave the roll of kitchen towels on the bathroom floor? -hammer next to the toaster? That's a good spot for a tool, right?

Most of the rooms are still in various stages of clutter and disorder, but I have managed to get a few snaps of areas of the house that don't look like a charity shop exploded everywhere.

Here's a partial shot of the living room--

Extremely sunny day just through the blinds!

Wee room off the kitchen--

Almost tropical, toasty zone out here. Hope the plants thrive!


  1. Looking good. Very good.
    Unpacking? Bleah. An awful job. The end results are worth it, but it is still an awful job.

    1. Total 'bleah' for sure! And, thanks, for saying it's coming along all right, EC.

  2. Yes, I will never move again, but unpacking is better than packing in my book. Looks good there.

    1. If only this were our last stop, Donna! Would that we're able to live here for a long while, however. :)

  3. Ugh, moving... Packing... Ugh! I vowed if I ever move again, I'm throwing in a match. No way I'm moving all of this stuff! There are six of us now, you know

  4. You've reminded me of how much I hated moving. Hopefully I won't have to do it again.

    Enjoy your new home, clutter and all.

    1. Thanks, Cro! May I not have to move for many years to come.


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