Tuesday, October 25, 2016


S. comes to the counter and takes out his phone. He starts scrolling and sighing. I ask him if he were all right. -tells me his daughter had just sent his wife an ugly email. S. quotes: 'I don't appreciate your shoving your politics down my throat!'

I like S. He's a sexist old git, but I like him. His wife is sharp as a tack & really nice. I figure that the daughter must be a jerk. I tell S. I'm sorry. Then he starts to rant about his daughter being 'stupid'. I think he's being harsh, even though, I assume, she must be a Trump supporter. Then S. says, way too loudly, 'I mean who in their right mind would be vote for Clinton?! Everything that comes out of her mouth is LIE!' I tell him that I, for one, will vote for her. S. walks out the front door muttering crap about 'nasty women'.

S., it turns out, is the one who's stupid.


  1. It's interesting that this idea that Clinton is a liar has stuck even though it's been proven that someone else is the one who tells most of the lies.

    1. It's interesting & demoralizing.

      I caught the last This American Life episode this past Sunday during which Ira Glass mentioned feeling like this now absolute distrust of traditional journalism will likely last his/our lifetime. Crackpot theories are the new truth.

  2. Yes to all the above. All lies spread by republicans have stuck to Hillary and I have been waiting for this for 30 years. I'll be holding my breath till election day. I thought Cruz was bad, but he's been Trumped by the sickening man himself. It is scary to think so many will vote for that nut. I'm too scared to put my Hillary bumper sticker on my truck for fear of a nut trashing my truck.

    1. I'll nit relax until the vote is counted.
      So many misogynists & self-hating women will vote for the guy with the fifth grade reading ability & his ghoulish running mate that I can't feel hopeful.

  3. We are all anxious about this upcoming world changing event...so awful to think that at the last minute lots of trump supporters could come out of the woodwork and put him ahead..scary times.

    1. I've already voted by mail-in ballot. I'm glad to have it behind me, but won't be comfortable until all votes are tallied & Clinton, hopefully, emerges victorious. Scary times, indeed.


A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

It has been pouring water out of the sky on and off for the past week, I'd say, and I really wish the title of this post were actually r...