Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year's mini-rant

I know it's a new year, new leaf, new attitude, and new what-not, but I can't shake feeling bugged about the same old things.

Here's a super-mini-rant involving things that really grate--

1. Chatty checkers, not in a good way. I'm really all for a good chin wag at the store, if time allows & if it doesn't border on the intrusive.

Ex.: so many checkers now make random commentary about what's in shoppers' baskets, ask what shoppers are doing at the weekend, etc. Today's supermarket checker tells me 'Enjoy!' as she hands me my assorted shopping replete with cleaning agents & such. I'm not about to eat dinner, lady.

2. Public pissing, up close & personal. Given the amount of public urination, it's clear that SF doesn't have enough public toilets, but to randomly decree that where you're standing will now be a WC al fresco ain't kosher.

Ex.: waiting at the bus stop next to a man who seemingly can't hold his urine & suddenly the bus shelter is transformed into a pissoir! At least he turned his back, yet he was still only about five feet from me. Speaking of feet, I moved mine out of the shelter & into the pouring rain. Better water from the sky, than water from a dude's who-ha...

I can't come up with a no. 3 at present, surprisingly.  Any bits you all might wish to add?


  1. Wait.. people just piss any ole where there? That's insane!

    I'll add..
    3. People who think it's OK to feed my babies and kiss and hug on my babies... No people, just no.

    1. Ooooh, that's a good one, D! And don't touch a pregnant woman's belly! I bet you have had to deal with randos touching on your body, too, when you were expecting. How is it that those who are not preg feel that preg women's bodies are part of some public domain?

    2. Oh yea that was a big one. What is up with people wanting to touch pregnant bellies.. I don't do that, lol.. It's just weird

  2. Add perfect strangers (of either gender) calling me love. No, no, no.
    I am also always appalled at the number of people who feel it is perfectly ok to pat/stroke a pregnant woman's belly.

    1. Ha! The checker who told me to 'Enjoy!' my shopping also called me 'sweetheart'.

  3. I remember the old days of hostile checker-outers, so I really don't mind if the lady tells me to have a good day and not mean it. Genteel Bath is a different place at night, when hundreds of University students roam the streets, shouting and pissing. I happened to be looking out of the window once, when a pretty young girl suddenly dropped her knickers and gave me a full view of herself pissing in the gutter. Her friend noticed me and shouted up: "Stop looking at my friend's arse!" Ah, the youth of today...

    1. 'Have a good day' is more than reasonable. 'Any plans for the weekend?' is not.
      Bath at night sounds like a surreal experience.

  4. Ewww!!! Glad to say I've never experienced such.

  5. I really hate chatty check out people! HATE IT

    1. I got 'so how's your week been going?' just yesterday. :(


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...