Thursday, January 12, 2017

January weather

Last night, a group of women (& one 'male ally') met up to make Jan 21 march signs at the local offices of an organization dedicated to keeping women's access to reproductive healthcare open.  

I had a nice time trying to color in my lettering while chatting with like-minded women. It's a marvel any of us actually showed up given that it was storming something awful for most of the day yesterday. Each new arrival to the office looked like a drenched cat, shaking off the rain while shedding raincoat & boots at the front door.

A snippet of our signage.

'Arty' black and white shot.

The rain storm and attendant high winds were responsible for more than a few felled trees doing damage, and, in my nearby hometown, mudslides. One such tree lay across the local rail tracks, cutting many of us off from making it swiftly home after the sign-making event. I jammed myself into one of the many 'bus bridge' buses for a slog down one of the main thoroughfares, getting home around around 30 minutes later than I normally would have. The winds, already strong, really kicked up after I was indoors (fave umbrella took a beating during the day, so I had to put it out to pasture, sadly). The hubs said to expect 50 mile/hour gales late last night. The winds that came certainly sounded fierce. However, nothing on our partially enclosed deck toppled over, so that's good.

The southbound span of the Great Highway (along Ocean Beach) was still partially flooded out today. There were a decent number of walkers, bikers, and joggers taking advantage of the closure. I tried my feet at jogging on the road, but not preferring to run on cement, eventually trundled back up to the somewhat graveled path nearby. 

At least it wasn't raining during my run along the Great Highway. Tuesday's outing saw no such luck. I was at Lake Merced, thinking I could squeeze in a run between rain storms. I had almost gotten away with it, but not before the rain hit hard just I was 3/4 of the way around the lake. Jogging with wind & rain hitting you in the face pretty much sucks.

Here are a couple of shots, post run, on Tuesday-- 

Between gushes at Lake Merced

Lake Merced penguin statue after a 'shower'.

I think this week should see more rain, and, with it, probably more flooding, slides & the occasional fallen tree. May we all stay safe & relatively dry!


  1. Yikes. Yeah, I heard you guys were getting pummelled. Stay safe.

    (I've heard that knitters are making hats for these protests. I must join in, for that at least I can do.)

    1. Yes, the 'pussy hat' should make a prominent showing at all the marches, I expect. -very cool idea, and I look forward to seeing them, ahem, in the flesh.

  2. Wind can be an incredibly powerful (and scary) force.
    Stay dry, stay safe.
    And hooray for all of you going out despite the weather for a very important cause. Thank you.

    1. PS: The never again poster with the coat hanger is so very true. And poignant.

    2. The Red Cross SF/San Mateo areas have already deployed folk to more strained regions than ours up north. Locally, I know of at least one family having been displaced by a tree having fallen onto their home. Scary stuff.

    3. I wrote the 'never again' sign. Coat hangers are remarkably easy to draw.

      We will not go back.

  3. Hurray for you Bea. What a crazy time in our world. Nothing surprises me anymore. I am not a stormy person. Winds were same here yesterday and ice coming this weekend. I won't temp the fates and say, 'can it get any worse?'

    1. Thanks, Donna. Yes, it's a crazy time, indeed.

  4. We had a tornado come through the city while we were sleeping, luckily it didn't hit us or anyone we know! Snowed last week and it's 70 today! It's crazy, the weather!

    1. Oh, wow, that's weird! A tornado sounds kinda scary, so glad it managed to miss you all.

    2. Yea for sure, no sirens or nothing.. The people in charge were scratching their heads and scrambling for some kind of excuse, I'm sure.

  5. Oh gosh, what horrid weather. I hope that you are all alright!

    1. I'm good, Amy. Thank you for posting. I don't know if it's good or bad, but the really wet weather let up sooner than I thought it would. We're certainly still in drought conditions here even if it dumps now & again!


A piece of your mind here:

Quick update on cats and Ocean Beach Park aka The Great Highway

Big boy Bartie is still alive, thank goodness, but the trick will be how to keep these two kitties, whom I refer to as 'furrenemies'...