Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I'm neither watching nor reading about trump's so-called press briefings. I can't take the charade, to be honest. I was, however, shown the above image by my husband & I just can't get over the wording. 'Goals'? Am I missing something? 

At least someone in trump's orbit has forced him to take the corona-virus seriously. It's not like the flu, as he had previously stated. 

In other news---

Starting next week, the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in New York City will become a makeshift hospital. It will serve 350 people, including Covid-19 patients, helping to relieve some of the pressure on neighboring Elmhurst Hospital. 

In Central Park, a 68-bed hospital of sorts should have opened today, according to a recent article I read, in an effort to ease ever more strain put on NYC hospitals as a result of the surge in Covid-19 cases. The site should consist of 14 tents and will receive patients first from both Mount Sinai facilities in Brooklyn and Queens as these boroughs have been the hardest hit by the corona-virus. 

May these sorts of efforts yield positive results! 


  1. I am trying to avoid the news myself but it's difficult. But we had a big earthquake today in Idaho and that certainly helped me think about other things besides the coronavirus.

    1. I just texted with a buddy living in Boise. She said that she 'rocked and rolled' a bit!

    2. We are living through some strange times.

  2. I ration the news for the sake of my mental health. Our news, your news, the world's news.
    Stay safe.

    1. Yes, our collective news needs to be taken in small doses. x

  3. My jaw dropped when he seemed to imply that 200,000 deaths would be a good result.

  4. It's a good thing it's warm enough to be able to use tents as temporary hospitals.

    1. Good point about temps. What if they receive more snowfall?

  5. This is pointing out so many problems we've had in our country for so long that we didn't even notice anymore. I don't listen to that idiot if I can help it. Just makes me mad.

  6. Me, neither. The anger comes quickly to the surface when he's involved.

  7. At least he didn't take magic marker to the graphic. He's finally scared. Fat lotta good it will do the country.

    1. Scared he'll not be re-elected, I expect.
      I'm not too keen on Biden, but will vote for him when the time comes. I wonder if he'll have the stellar Stacey Abrams as his running mate?

  8. Good for Billie Jean King allowing her tennis court center to be used as a hospital. I've always admired her.

    Glad to see that Trump is finally taking it seriously though. Our PM Boris has Covid-19 and half the cabinet too. Scary times.

    1. Yeah, Billie Jean King is brilliant. I really dig her.

      Quite scary. Be well. x

  9. Dear Bea, like you I can't watch Trump's press conferences on the virus. He so politicizes it. And there's so much misinformation. Gov. Cuomo of New York really gives us the facts. So I've been watching him at around noon CDT. I've learned a lot. Take care; stay safe. Please. Peace.

    1. Agreed, Dee. Cuomo (and our Gov. Newsom) speak clearly, factually & without much bluster about the severity of the situation. I appreciate that.

      Be well. x

  10. Like you, I can't stand to listen to him. He's so obnoxious and pats himself on the back, telling people what a good job he's done...when in reality he was still calling it a hoax, an over reaction etc by the media and the Democrats. Finally someone convinced him he would lose votes if enough people died. I see the pictures of the make shift hospitals around the country, and testing centers. There's one almost within walking distance to me and it's very sobering. Hubby told me about the Billy Jean Kings tennis area being transformed. Somehow I didn't read about that in the news. I see the refrigerator trucks because there are so dead in NY, so very sad. Stay safe
    Sandy's Space

    1. You are echoing my sentiments completely, Sandy. We've reached an est. 10k Covid 19 cases here in California as of this morning. It's tough stuff. Be well. x


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