Friday, June 19, 2020


Black folks' Happy Birthday song a la Stevie Wonder

I don't want a biscuit for this, but I've known about Juneteenth for near on 30 years. I also know how the Black People's Happy Birthday song goes...well, mostly. Big whoop. I live in the multi-ethnic California Bay Area. It's like congratulating me on knowing a bit of Spanish. If you grew up in California, then you're going to learn some Spanish vocabulary. You may even manage to be able to put together questions and statements en español también. It's just part of the experience of living here.  

But back to Juneteenth--

Apparently, the man in the White House thinks that he made Juneteenth 'very famous'. You see, his team had originally planned one of Trump's alt-right rallies, I mean, re-election campaign dos for June 19th, the day when Black folk celebrate Juneteenth. Public outcry forced his camp to then postpone the rally by one day. Trump also went on to claim that 'nobody had ever heard of' the holiday which actually just means that he had never heard of it. I don't know if 'The Donald' could be any more of a rube. 


  1. Everything Mr. Projection says is about himself. He calls someone a name--it's true about him. He accuses someone of a crime--he surely committed it. I decoded the code a while back.

    I, too, have heard of Juneteenth before. I couldn't tell you when. Not in school. But yeah, I heard of it before. And I, too, don't need a reward for this.

  2. When I think of him, I think of the C word. I am not proud of it, but I just cannot contain my admiration.

    1. The c-word, the f-word, the b-word...all the bad words come to mind, really.

  3. Happy Juneteenth! Hope you enjoy the day. The Nacho Man is the worst. I think 2020 is our karma for making that butthole president.

  4. Juneteenth was a new concept to me and I cringed at teh Orange buffoon trying to co-opt it to his purposes. I have seen him congratulating himself (yet again). He scares me and I am very, very angry at those who enable him rather than calling him out.

  5. I've known Junteenth for some time, but I don't remember where or when. I just thought it was pretty cool. I have other meaningful words in my vocabulary too, like the thirty third of August. That one is far more personal.

  6. I was just reading about the Tulsa race massacre in our local paper. Just shocking - I had not heard of it before. Another news item today was on our National Radio and it was a very interesting interview with J. Scott Thomson about the Camden, New Jersey police. Your Leader scares me as well.

    1. No one I know learned about the Tulsa race massacre in school. I first learned of it from watching a contemporary television show!

  7. I only learned about Juneteenth about a year ago and it was thanks to the internet that I became better informed!

    1. Sometimes the internet is a good, educational tool. :)

  8. The problem with Mr T is that he speaks wisdom to those who support him.

    1. His rallies seem to be attended by cultists. I don't think myself to be remarkable in anyway, but I can't seem to find anything about Mr. T compelling.

  9. I can't tell you the amount of times I've placed this track at my gigs.

    1. Good, old Stevie Wonder! When it's sung as a Birthday song here, the bit about MLK is largely omitted, I've noticed.


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