Thursday, July 9, 2020

An improvement?

Melania Trump in wood.

A wooden statue of Mrs. Trump was torched in Slovenia. To be honest, I don't think the charring could have made the statue much uglier than it already was. The snap above shows Mrs. Trump in all her wooden glory sometime after she was erected. I think the creator of the piece used a chainsaw. It almost looks as if a Spanish furniture restorer had gotten his hands on her before the unveiling as well. 


I've made a few more 'quarantine Kisten'. Now I need to figure out who needs a somewhat useless 'beshelled' box in their life. 


  1. Will you be making a shell replacement for her?

  2. Oh dearie me. That sculptor really, really didn't like Mrs Trump. I suspect she will be grateful to see the back of that one - I know I would be.
    Loving your shell boxes.

  3. Ah, the Great Quarantine has spurred everyone to creative heights. Of course, in my book, the Spanish handiworks of late have really taken the biscuit.

  4. You just need to get a booth at a local craft fair. I'm sure those boxes would be gone in no time.

  5. Poor Melania. I'm sure she gives less of a damn daily.

  6. It was definitely a weird statue. Have you considered Etsy? Or the local craft fair is an excellent suggestion as well.

    1. I have a girlfriend who has a robust Etsy business. I was able to ask her a few burning questions about it, so it could be something I tackle. I just have to get off my backside and make a move!

    2. Well if you make the move, I think you have a few blogging buddies that can help spread the word.

  7. I think you need to bedazzle that statue with shells and then it'll look fabulous! I remember the first time I saw that fugly statue and I thought WTH is that thing. If I had been her I would have hired someone to burn it down.

    1. It makes that Lucille Ball statue of some years back look positively charming.

  8. The statue is something else. :D

    I've been doing lots of Diamond Drill paintings in lockdown, and am now wondering what the hell to do with them all. At least I can roll them up.


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