Friday, August 21, 2020

Battling wildfires and a slow postal service

We have hundreds of wildfires blazing at the moment here in California. Not having enough manpower to adequately fight the flames, inmates trained as firefighters fill in the gaps. Inmates, I should add, risk their lives for a pittance. I read somewhere that these men are paid a dollar an hour during active duty. The real kicker is that once these men are released from prison, they are barred from working in the fire department. They are trained, have performed the work--some even working directly on the fire-line--but these convicts are not eligible to work as firefighters upon release. -such a shame.


Louis DeJoy, the Trump-appointed Postmaster General, has set about instituting cost-cutting measures resulting in a massive slowdown of mail delivery. Traditionally, postal workers are trained not to leave mail behind and to make multiple delivery trips to ensure timely distribution of letters and parcels. DeJoy has demanded that mail reaching distribution centers in the afternoon will simply be left until the next day's delivery. I wonder how mail carriers are reacting to this about-face. I know that I, as someone who receives some medication via mail, am concerned about timely deliveries. Speaking of timely deliveries, Trump is hoping that this hobbling of the post office will help keep his sorry ass in the White House. I've just read that DeJoy is currently facing a rigorous questioning by the US Senate. We'll see what this turn of events brings. 


I leave you with beach pictures taken during our recent heatwave. I was fortunate to have shown up to the beach during a massive feeding frenzy out in the water. I saw pelicans a-plenty, breaching whales & jumping dolphins. It was such a dynamic sight. I stayed until sunset. 

Tide-pool pals.

Blow-hole exhalation!


  1. I am so glad that you have the beach as solace and heart balm.
    I have winced reading about your fires and hope (so much) that they can be brought under control.
    It sounds to me as if the inmates are being used. How silly that there skills are to be wasted when they are released.
    I have been watching your postal debacle unfold and hope that resolution is close. Very close.
    And how could they appoint someone with millions of dollars invested in competitors products and expect a fair deal?

    1. Good point, E.C. DeJoy is also a massive Trump donor (how he got the gig), so his insistence that budgetary cuts will not hamper the vote-by-mail process rings hollow.

      Thank goodness for the beach, indeed!

  2. I'm looking forward to the results of DeJoy's hearing.

  3. When the world gets on a more even footing, we need to look into how to pressure the lawmakers into changing that particular law--about trained firefighters getting to continue the work after they're been released. We're so going to need them.

    If only DeJoy could be held financially liable for the damage he's caused. We should start a massive civil lawsuit for monies lost by the slowdown of the mail. That's the only language these guys speak. And I, too, am awaiting the questioning by Congress. Have you seen some of these Reps go after witnesses? (Mostly the ladies.) It's a sight to behold.

    1. We certainly will!

      The ladies didn't come to play. Ha.

  4. Lovely beach and sky scenes. I am afraid I despair of your politics.

    1. I do as well. The beach is such a balm and for that I am grateful.

  5. I think that this is the sixth close associate of Trump to face criminal charges. I smell smoke.

    1. He has the Midas touch in that everything he touches turns to shit. We must oust him in November.


A piece of your mind here:

Postal Service, part II

One of the pluses of working as a letter carrier, we were told more than once during classroom training, was that one would 'lose weight...