Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A day at the races--


My husband and I spent Sunday afternoon solving the New York Times crossword in the park at Spreckels Lake. We perched where there happened to be a remote-control sailboat racing event going on. A handful of older men in sun hats stood around the edge of the lake while model yachts zigzagged across the water. I don't know the ins and outs of mini-yacht racing, but I could suss out that the races are timed. It helped that it was a quiet affair; one could hear a timer ticking down to the finish. As we were mostly engaged with solving the puzzle, I could never figure out who the race winners were. Congratulatory remarks among the participants seemed fairly subdued. Regardless, it was great to see such lovely model boats--that are functional!-- on display.




  1. I am woeful at crosswords but would have enjoyed the yachting display. I suspect it takes quite a lot of skill and practice.
    Yay for a pleasant afternoon out.

    1. It was a tricky puzzle with loads of awkward fill, but we got there in the end (with a tad bit of cheating). :D

  2. Somewhere on You Tube there is a very funny commentary on a yacht race by a confused Australian man.

  3. That looks very sweetly old-fashioned. I love the mini boat trailers. Do they get towed behind pedal cars?

  4. I don't understand full sized sail racing either.

  5. They look really beautiful and a lot of fun. Nice that they weren't too noisy. I think I'd cope better with that than trying to do a crossword puzzle. :D

    1. Yeah, it was the most peaceful race I've ever attended! The puzzle was a bastard, but we make it through (with a few cheats).

  6. Sounds like a great activity. Do they build them themselves, do you think? I know I've heard of such races, but I haven't seen them. I suppose the crossword was more interesting ;)

    1. Given the uniformity of the boats, I'll wager that they're constructed from model boat kits. The x-word was deffo more challenging (to me), then what they were doing!

  7. I bet that would pretty relaxing to witness. Glad you got to enjoy it.

    1. It was super chill. I'm glad we chanced upon it as well!

  8. The colors in your photo are so saturated and vibrant.

    1. I think I used a filter to alter it a bit, but can't recall which one!


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