Monday, October 5, 2020

Election time.

Just two of Trump's awful actions in recent days: When asked to denounce white supremacy, Trump said on the debate stage: 'Stand back and stand by' and white supremacists celebrated. Trump inevitably catches Covid then leaves the hospital where he is being treated to take part in a chauffeured photo op. 


We've recently received our absentee ballots in the mail. Election day is still nearly a month away. The plan is to fill them out this weekend, then I'll hand deliver them to City Hall. While I don't really fear anything will happen to our votes, as we live in a liberal state, I just want to ensure that they reach their intended target. I feel lucky to not live in an area where politicians are actively trying to prevent the vote. However, I did double check to see that I was still registered at my current address due to the purging of voter rolls and other such voting challenges Americans face. The USA is the only developed country in which its citizenry must overcome various obstacles in order to successfully vote. Can you imagine? It's pretty bananas. 


  1. It's really stupid of them to pull this stuff. Traditionally, we don't vote, so all they have to do is sit back and let apathy take us. But no. They go full on war, and don't they know that when you try to take something from us, we fight for it?

    I got my ballot on Saturday, too. We have several drop boxes in the area, so I'll probably return mine there. Might as well vote early, right?

  2. I'm glad you're making your vote count!

  3. I do hope my comment goes through this time. Blasted Blogger has been eating them.
    I watch in horror and fear from here. Noting that a doctor from the hospital in which he is currently being treated deplored that photo op because of the risks he forced others to endure.
    I am very, very glad that you can vote. And with that others could as well.
    Voting is compulsory here. My partner does not - which I deplore. It is a right and a privilege.

    1. Your comment got through without a hitch! Are there penalties for those who do not vote as it's compulsory? (I've known many people who don't vote here, I have to say.)

    2. My first three comments disappeared without a trace. There are penalties for those who do not vote. It is however so long since my partner has voted (he says it only encourages the politicians) that he has been removed from the electoral roll and doesn't face penalties.

  4. We hear all about Trumps antics with horror. Good luck with the election.

  5. This election must come off and then we must get over him.

  6. Dear Bea, it's more than "pretty bananas"! For me, it seems that the quote form one of Shakespeare's plays--I think it's "Hamlet"--applies here: "There's something rotten in Denmark." And we can substitute USA! My brother and sister-in-law and I went and voted this past Wednesday. Here in Missouri, if you are over 65, you can vote "absentee." So we went up to the voting place across from the Independence courthouse and voted and saw our vote go into the counting box! Missouri is an extremely conservative state and we all three wanted to be sure our vote got counted. Peace.

    1. Dee, you're correct. It's more than 'bananas', but I didn't want to use an expletive or THREE. :)

      I'm glad that you and your family members were able to safely vote early. Be well. x

  7. Theres a never-ending daily list of outrageous acts this President takes defying common sense or even remotely beneficial to America's people. Hopefully the results of our election will root him out of office and those complicit once and for all forever.

    1. NEVER-ending, indeed. It's been the worst roller-coaster ride for all of us & I want to get off!


A piece of your mind here:

Postal Service, part II

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