Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Horror flick; lock-down mane

Gregory Peck, Lee Remick and David Warner together in a film is ace, but I don't think The Omen (1976) holds up terribly well. Maybe it's that I had a hard time buying Lee Remick, looking every bit 20 years Peck's junior--and then some--, as his wife. The special effects are, to our modern eyes, fairly dated as well. The film's score, however, really sells the horror and suspense of the story. Discordant instrumentation does more to set me on edge than a barking Rottweiler any day. For the uninitiated, Peck's character is tasked with killing Damien, the Satan-spawn masquerading as his young son. If he does not, then that will spell the end of mankind. 

I'm just watching the tail-end of the film now. It's Peck against the kooky nanny who was sent by Satan to protect the boy. It ends badly for her. -lots of over-the-top deaths in the film, to be honest, and hers is no different. I recall there being more than one Omen sequel, so I probably needn't have to tell you if 'good' prevails over evil' here. 


I have not been to the hair dresser in nearly two years and it shows. I had feathered hair when I was a young teen. My feathers always drooped in the abundant coastal fog. Because of my sad-looking locks, some bratty kid/s decided to reward me with an unfortunate nickname: Lassie. 

Like my 'shiny coat'? Har-har.

Lassie is a pretty dog, but I did not and don't resemble her...or do I?


  1. I don't do horror movies. The news is horror enough for me.
    And no, I don't see Lassie is your lovely long locks.

    1. Thanks, E.C. It was weird seeing Peck in this role. I'd rather see him in noble roles or as a romantic lead, to be honest.

  2. I thought the nanny's suicide through the window was the best bit in the film. Have you seen Dust-Devil's spoof advert?

    1. No, but I'd like to. I'll search for it on YouTube.

  3. Timmy's fallen down the well! Hahahahahaha, no, your hair looks fine, really.

    1. Glad you don't feel compelled to give me a Milkbone! Haha.

  4. Your hair is beautiful. I have managed to make it to the hairdresser once since this all began (and I had a cut just before), so things aren't too bad. That's what hair ties and buns are for, amirite?

    I have never seen The Omen. I was too young when it came out. But my mother is a fan. Although, she's probably not seen it in 30+ years.

    1. Me, too, but I think older sibs may have had it on & I peeped a bit of it. (Or maybe it was another Omen film...?) In any case, it's pretty brutal.

      Thanks re: the shaggy hair. :) Glad you've been able to get at least one cut in since the pandemic hit.

  5. Lassie come home! Your hair looks great :) Would you believe I went to the hairdresser yesterday and had a huge chunk cut off? It wasn't quite your length but getting close and it's now sitting well above the ol' bosom now. I gave myself a bit of a trim in the bathroom last year but it was getting close to 12 months since my last visit.

    Mr. P watched The Omen recently but I only stuck around for a few minutes. Horrible child, that Damien. Is it that one or a sequel that has the lift-well scene? It still plays on my mind when I'm in an elevator. I can give horror a wide-berth these days.

    1. Haha. Thanks, Pip. Yeah, this down to the bra strap business is not on. I want to get a cut, but am reluctant to hit the salon.

      Horrible child, to be sure. I think the lift-well scene might be in a sequel. I did look away at certain icky bits during the viewing, so I may have missed it.

  6. I've had my hair cut back to my usual short do, and just decided the hell with it. We'll see how long I can stand it, but I doubt I'll make it as long as you.

    1. Glad you were able to have the hairs trimmed. I'm tired of the incessant brushing, but not tired enough to have the whole thing whacked!

  7. Definitely not Lassie. I always imagine your hair from your profile pic so the long hair was definitely unexpected but I like it. Mrs. Shife and Hayden cut their hair short during the pandemic and I look forward to it being longer once again.

    1. Yeah, the profile pic is a few, ahem, years old. :D

      It's nice that they were able to have their hair cut. One of these days I'll get in there and get a dang trim.

  8. Surely it's not that uncommon for men to have their trophy wives 20 years younger, it's just not that acceptable for the reverse. Movie doesn't appeal to me, but then most horror movies don't -- only a few like Psycho, The Shining and there might have been some others. Yeah, I think I would prefer Peck in some other role, Remick, too.

    Lassie is not a good comparison at all -- nasty kids!

    I wish long hair had been more in vogue when I was young and I could have relished allowing my golden red long locks to flow about me. After having short hair for so many years following my youthful French braided pigtails were cut off, I have let it grow. When I retired several years ago I stopped having my now gray hair cut and simply pull it back with an elastic tie. Several inches at the bottom retain the brownish color my red had darkened to, so probably looks pretty goofy. I don't care what anybody else thinks, I'm enjoying watching whatever it's doing now! Mostly I just want it to stay in, 'cause my once think hair has been getting thinner every year.

  9. They were nasty kids! Thanks for saying so, Joared. :)

    No, it's not uncommon to have such an age discrepancy. When I was a kid watching films, I don't think I much paid attention---Audrey Hepburn and William Holden or Peck or Bogart coupled up was what it was. Now, however, I see such a pairing and I think: No way, Jose!
    You're right. It's really that the reverse pairing isn't (yet) as accepted. One of these days...

    Ooh, you were a redhead! I know it's silly, but I always fancied men with red hair and even dated a couple.
    As long as it stays connected to my head, I don't care what color my hair turns.

  10. Dear Bea, I never read the book"Omen" (if there were such a book) nor did I see the movie as my mind just won't relinquish horror and so I have always had to forego watching any horror film after the first one I saw in the summer of 1967 at a drive-in theater. I was so affected that I crawled into the foot place in front of the passenger seat! The person I was with started laughing and calling me a "wimp,"
    so I understand what you mean when you talk about those kids who labeled you as "Lassie." Some kids/people seem to delight in denigrating others. I was scared and the other person laughed. Last film I saw with that date! Peace.

    1. Your date sounds like a real peach. :(

      Hope you are safe and well, Dee. x

  11. Not into horror films, so will pass. 2 years is a long time to go without a trim/cut. I'm badly in need and it's been about 9 months. Not wanting to go due to Covid. But, it's beginning to feel nasty. Soon to get my 2nd shot and maybe I'll get a trim then. Hope you're stay safe from this Covid and are able to get your shots soon, if you've not already been successful in doing so.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Good to read that you're slated to obtain the second vaccine shot!

      I see that hair salons are able to be open now in my county. -don't know when I will take advantage of that.

      Be safe and well, Sandy!

  12. I've never watched the film and wouldn't as I avoid all that kind of stuff being a Bible Bashing Christian. Lol.

    I can't wait to get my hair cut but have to wait until the middle of April. Be grateful you have no grey!

    1. The grey is nicely disguised by the dirty blonde! :D

  13. Absolutely no horror films for me. I wouldn’t sleep for a week afterwards.
    I like your long hair, there’s worse things than looking like an elegant Lassie.

    1. True, but at age 12 I had a hard time with it, frankly. Horror films nowadays are too upsettingly real to me. I would avoid watching contemporary horror flicks at all costs.

  14. Making blog rounds this am, so thought I'd pop back in to say hi. Hope things are going well for you. I ended up with a quick 15 minute hair cut at the barbers. No shampoo, just in and out. Feels better. Not the best cut; but will get me through until I can make a proper appointment.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Hi, Sandy! Things are well, thank you. I'll bet that a nice trim did you well. One of these days I will get my tail into the barber chair...


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