Thursday, March 11, 2021

Sticks and stones...

'Were your dad alive, he would be ashamed of you. Pathetic.'  I stewed on these words from my Uncle for a good hour, or so, before, as the Disney song goes, telling myself to 'let it go'. After years of receiving crap right-wing mails from him, I finally put my foot down yesterday. I think I wrote something like: Since you cannot seem to refrain from sending me emails of a political nature after I've repeatedly asked you stop, then I have no choice but to block your email address. Look, I realise that I poked the bear, as it were, but friendly entreaties to 'please refrain from sending political missives' were repeatedly ignored. I can't actually say 'ignored' because I think he either forgets to whom he's sending these emails or just doesn't care and 'spams' all of his email contacts with hateful content. Apropos 'spam', that is where all of his anti-Hilary/Biden/Obama emails landed. I couldn't be bothered to read them. 

His aggression when challenged struck me. My Dad, who was a life-long Democrat (as were their parents) spent his entire career working as a Business Agent/Union Rep. on behalf of the 'little guy'. It was as simple as: You had a beef with management? Call Doug! I know this as I was home many-a night when workers would call. And Dad always took the call. I am more inclined to think that Dad would be ashamed of the many things his elder brother has done. Let me outline a couple of instances for you---

My Uncle, a fairly decent-looking man in his prime, had quite the wandering eye. He's had many girlfriends and three wives. He was unfaithful to all of them. He slept with his best friend's wife, among other women, when married to his first wife. He then went on to divorce her at the time of her receiving a cancer diagnosis. She, unfortunately, died and he gained custody of the two kids. The elder one ran away from the family and never came back. After finding out that his second wife (on whom he had been cheating) had had a dalliance with another man, my Uncle decked her in the face. They then divorced. He left his third wife via kitchen table note. He'd packed her a lunch to take to work, as he always did in the morning, bid her farewell, then packed up his truck and bailed. She got the house in the settlement, at least. The woman that my Uncle left his last wife for is a minted widow whom he'd met on a cruise he'd taken with that last wife. Maybe it had been their Honeymoon even? Thanks to this last union, my Uncle has been living on easy street for the past twenty years. He wants for nothing yet manages to fill his ample free time with complaining about all that is wrong--according to him and FOX news-- in this world while jet-setting between various homes and various continents. Shame on him!


  1. I would have blocked him too. Good riddance.

  2. Well he sounds like an unpleasant character. You have to do what's right for you, and if blocking him is, well done.

    1. Thanks, Joey. He was never my favorite Uncle anyway. This is no big loss.

  3. He certainly was different to your father.

    1. Yes, he was. And, I'd like to think, that my Dad wasn't a cheater.

  4. The sort of person who will never change.

  5. You forbore too long, in my opinion. The leopard and the spots, you know.

    1. Most of the horrid information about his personal life was shared with me somewhat recently by his other brother, my youngest uncle. I think because he's family and he never sort of 'went off' on me about politics until trump, I didn't much think too deeply about him or his beliefs. Shame on him; shame on me.

  6. Would you like to borrow my uncle? He paints and plays with animations. He posts liberal screeds on FB, although he doesn't spam me with them. (My family is pretty much on the same page politically.) And he lives up your way, in Windsor. (Not close, but closer to you than me.) He's got me and my brother, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind another "niece". Let me know. I'll introduce you.

    1. That's a lovely offer, Liz. I do have my other uncle, fortunately, and he's good people.

  7. Today I stopped our newspaper. Our carrier had begun to yell at my husband about "our president". Wil these asses ever just shut up?

  8. I think your Uncle sounds like a selfish turd and you are much better off without him. I have had to block a few relatives because I am not as "enlightened' as they are. Fox News has ruined a lot of families.

    1. As a kid, of course, I didn't realize the extent of who he was. I just knew that he wasn't my favorite uncle out of all the paternal uncles. I think about his son, my favorite cousin, and know that this rift between them due to FOX and fiends, is nearly insurmountable.


A piece of your mind here:

Postal Service, part I

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