Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Dede's Drive-Thru

You may remember from some months ago our local action to keep a short stretch of roadway in Golden Gate Park devoid of car traffic. Unfortunately, a 'done deal' it is not as an heiress called Dede Wilsey has ponied up $200,000 to support a measure on an upcoming ballot that would, in part, restore all pre-pandemic vehicular traffic to the park. The slogan on the heiress-supported measure's literature is: We Need Access for All with not a single use of the word 'car' appearing anywhere in the writing. Mind you, her aim is take away what has become a lovely promenade for all in Golden Gate Park.

I'm ticked off that we have to have this fight again. And I'm extremely frustrated that a wealthy socialite with direct ties to the art museum in Golden Gate Park (whose stance on this matter is publicly pro-auto) is pushing her weight around in this arena. With expanded park shuttle service, additional blue placard parking spaces & extra pick-up/drop-off zones directly adjacent the museums and other tourist-centric activities it would seem that, as the kids might say, we got this, Dede. You don't have to back a bad measure that will take away what has been for many, a wonderful respite from two plus years of pandemic stress. Oh, and did I mention that there is ample (yet costly) parking in underground garages below the museums? 

Dow Chemical heiress, Dede Wilsey, wants to remove car-free spaces in Golden Gate Park.

Come November 8, we, the voters, will decide the fate of car-free JFK. I hope, hope, hope we do the right thing!


  1. Sigh. I hope that November 8 brings you good news.

  2. Fight the good fight! Money doesn't always win. Good luck!

  3. May she be humble pied on election day

  4. We really must do something about the rich and entitled in this country (and, in fact, the world). I hope the word is getting out there about this measure and that it fails.

    1. Yes. By the looks of it above, she lives in a museum. We're trying to get the word out. I'll be in GGP spreading the word til the bitter end.

  5. Best of luck, totally on your side. It's so frustrating when $$ get's in the way of common good.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. -was out on JFK today sharing the message. It's funny the (very small) number of visitors to the promenade who want a return of chockablock car traffic to the exact spot they now enjoy as peds, cyclists, etc. Nutty stuff.

  6. Patience above! This lady obviously wants a legacy and I think, as you have alluded in your title, she'd rather like a stretch of bitumen to be named in her honour. I expect she's rather misjudged the mood of the plebs on this matter.

    1. I sincerely hope so. She simply cannot win.

  7. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds, and hoping for a positive outcome for you.
    Sandy's Space

  8. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds. Hope you're doing well.


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