Thursday, May 30, 2019

431 Jessie St.

According to city records, this building has never housed a printing press. It was, at various times throughout the 20th century, a saloon, a candy company, a window display business, a charitable institution, and a sign painting company.

But, given the ABCs across the top of the building's facade, had it also been a printing business at some point? I'm a horrible internet sleuth; my search yielded little results. That which I have shared was cribbed from my husband.

The uber-trendy, dark grey paint job and house nos. du jour above the entryway would sort of imply that monied folk own the space now. For what purposes, I do not know.


  1. A mystery.
    That fashionable colour doesn't float my boat. On days when the light is less than optimal it could be a depressing hue.
    The uber rich don't float my boat either.

    1. Dark grey seems to be all the rage here. Kinda kooky.

  2. I guess I can see the letters for the sign painting company, but barely. I hope you can find someone who knows.

    1. Yeah, I can see that, too. Maybe that's when the letters were added to the building? It would be fun to find out.

  3. We have a black painted hairdressers a bit like that.

    1. Ours painted their front in huge, primitive white lettering. The council told them to paint it out. This is Bath!

  4. Bea, this is a test as it seems on some of my reader's list I can comment. Are you still looking for a house?

    1. I think we've pretty much thrown in the towl for the duration. Prices have increased over spring and housing stock has remained tight. -good to see you 'round these parts, too, Donna! I hope you are well. x

  5. A lovely mystery. I hope you re-solve it.

    1. Someone on an SF picture site cracked it...sort of. There was a printing business housed in the above location beginning in 1970. Surely the font used for the alphabet pre-dates 1970 by at least a couple of decades? I also don't see it being added to the building's facade so late in the century, but I could be very wrong.

  6. I am fascinated by the view inside the top right window. I am assuming it is a n=view inside and not a reflection.

    1. Yes, it looks like some beautiful wood was used on the interior and it almost seems as if there were a skylight above out of shot.

  7. You’ve succeeded in arousing my curiosity so hope you solve this mystery. Color may be in but doesn’t appeal to me.

    1. The grey feels a bit heavy. The mystery was somwhat solved---the building had been home to a printing business in the 70s.

  8. I looked back at your earlier post about the name of your blog after another blogger I follow posted this link (Orchids and Dandelions):

    1. What a fascinating clip and very pertinent. I don't know if I were an orchid or a dandilion or somewhere in between. As an adult, I can say I am having a hard time dealing with stress. I can sense when my 'fight or flight' response is engaged. And I can only imagine how much cortisol is being produced...

      I have begun meditating & undergoing acupuncture in order to better navigate potentially stressful situations. It has helped.

    2. What helped me is retirement! The trouble with these either/or distinctions is that actually they are scales, and we're all on all of them somewhere.

  9. I like the colour of the building actually, but it needs some window dressings to soften it a bit. Ohhh get me! :D


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