Saturday, August 27, 2022

News of late--

Small Claims Court is now off the table, fortunately. After a short exchange of text messages, Mom's ex-landlord capitulated & agreed to send her the security deposit in full. (The check arrived per post on the 19th.) I still would wish to add his name to some local Bad Landlord list, if one existed. Let's face it: If this man is set to pull this sort of crap on someone whom he referred to (in one of his long-winded texts) as 'more of a friend than tenant', then what would he do to someone whom he didn't hold in such esteem? Teenage me would dearly love to egg his house. Adult me can only fantasize. 


ADUs, additional dwelling units, are now en vogue in California. Fueled by the WFH movement and extreme lack of housing in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond, these either attached or detached additions now benefit from a rather streamlined permitting process. This is especially so if the footprint of one's house remains the same, i.e., using a portion of the garage in which to build the ADU. My husband and I hope to have an ADU built from a the back half of our garage extending into our back garden. There is a certain percentage of the yard that may be used for such things; I don't remember what that is right now. We do know that we are allowed to build out as far as the neighbors have done with a rather ample deck which extends about a third into their back garden. Costs are fairly dear for such projects. It would seem we could purchase a small apartment for the same price, but then would have to contend with a mortgage for Mom. If we succeed in having an ADU built, then she would pay nothing monthly. 

We've spoken with a few architects regarding this project. Although each have completed numerous projects in San Francisco, each have also shared slightly different information regarding the process by which these structures are to be built. We're to meet on Tuesday with one of the architects who was kind enough to explain rather patiently what this type of work would entail from beginning to end. I look forward to seeing what our upcoming meeting yields!


  1. Cash that cheque right away! Great idea to build an ADU for your Mom!

  2. Our neighbour next door but one - a lady in her late sixties or early seventies - built herself an enormous shed from scratch at the end of the garden I've not had chance to see inside but it looks more like an ADU. It really is something special.

  3. Good to hear that the security deposit has been returned. With 'friends' like that...
    Good luck with your ADU. I hope it comes off smoothly for you.

  4. You keep me grateful I don't live there.

  5. I must have missed a couple of your posts. Pleased your Mom got her deposit ack. Hope all goes well with the ADU.

  6. We have our fair share of landlords like that

    1. For sure. I had one when living in Greenwich.

  7. I'm glad to hear the issue with the landlord has been resolved. Whew. He sucks, but at least it's over now.

    One of my dad's neighbors is having an ADU built. I guess her daughter and daughter's kid are moving in? (He told me, but I forget details.) It's interesting to see the progress when I get over there. Just remember, it always costs more and takes longer than they say it will. (I had this conversation with a class the other day. They're constructing a new building on campus. They started it in the before times, and it's almost done.)

    1. Dude SUPER sucks. I feel a bit sorry for his next tenant.

      Cool about the neighbor of your dad's. Yes, you're correct. We need to expect that any build will be more expensive than we realize and will take longer to complete than we'd wish.

  8. A very good outcome with the landlord. But so unnecessary! I think your mother can happily strike him off her Xmas card list.

    ADU is such an anodyne term, smacking of corporate speak. When did we stop calling them Granny Flats? But, a project! Great excitement!

    1. Quite!
      ADU is a dry-as-a-bone term, yes. They are still known here as 'in-laws', short for 'mother-in-law apartment'.

  9. Glad the landlord came through for your mother. I'll be interested in how the add-on to your garage you describe evolves.

    1. Thanks, Joared. We're having another architect come round this afternoon. -looking forward to learning more about the process!


A piece of your mind here:


I'm talking about me, unfortunately. Within a span of about a week, I've lost my rag on people. Were the outbursts justified? You be...