Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Nightbreak

In the early/mid-nineties, my Uncle took over ownership of one of the seminal rock clubs on Haight Street in San Francisco.  This was a club that I, a music-obsessed young person, happened to frequent.  Unfortunately, his was not a totally successful run as the previous owner had 'cooked the books' and Ken assumed a massive amount of unknown debt upon taking over the venue.  After only a couple of years, Ken got out of the music club business and he took with him these two, fabulous mementos of his time as owner.
Excellent line-up.

And again.

1 comment:

A piece of your mind here:

When it rains, it pours.

It has been pouring water out of the sky on and off for the past week, I'd say, and I really wish the title of this post were actually r...