Friday, October 23, 2020


From Thursday's debate

Not like I watched that farce, but this image cracks me up. Look how trump's really leaning in (har-har) to the conversation. 

Speaking of farces, I watched* the new Borat movie as I figured it would show certain Americans in all their idiotic glory. I wasn't disappointed. There were so many uncomfortable moments in the film from a cake shop employee decorating a cake with 'Jews will not replace us' to MAGAs at a rally singing along to a little ditty including the lyrics about journalists: Chop them up like the Saudis do! that the viewer really gets an earful and eyeful of some truly repellent behavior. 

Clearly, Sasha Baron Cohen put himself into some potentially dangerous situations during the making of this film. I wonder how he was able to escape having the tar beaten out of him on various occasions. And how he was able to evade the police for surely they were called on him multiple times. He must have had a very quick-thinking team supporting him. I don't want to spoil the film any more than I potentially have for any of you curious folks, so I'll say no more on its contents, but HOLY COW is trump's shill lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, a sleazeball. 

I can only imagine that Sasha Baron Cohen made and released this film when he did to serve as an indictment of the current administration. I don't know if watching it will persuade undecided (how and the heck could one be still at this juncture?!) voters to choose Biden and not the current clown occupying the White House come November 3rd, but I surely hope so. 

*I had to fast-forward through some of the most cringe-worthy parts. 



  1. I know I can't sit through that, so I'm glad you did it for me ;) The Guiliani bits have already been all over Twitter, so I know the gist of that. I just can't fathom how anyone could be undecided at this point.

    1. Yeah, it's a rough watch. Glad I could perform a service for ya. :D

  2. I can't bring myself to warm to Sasha Baron Cohen. I instinctively don't like him. I think he is ruthless with ordinary people who trust him.

  3. I haven't watched it but the pieces about Rudy Guillani even made it to our National News. And no, I don't understand a) how you can be undecided and b) how you could support the current administration. Sadly people fall into both camps.

    1. Knuckleheads is what they are. Rudy is a piece of work, eh? ICK.

  4. I haven't seen a flicker of the film, only heard about it and decided not to go looking.

    1. PS- Trump anchoring his podium is great.

    2. Hahaha. 'Lean in', 'lean on'...whatever, right?

  5. I watched part of the debate but that shot is priceless. It looks as though he has his full weight on the podium

  6. It's because people trust him that they show him their horrible, unvarnished selves. Is he ruthless about gaining people's trust? Yes. But it's like setting a rat trap. He sets it and they walk in and spring it.

    1. The only folk in the film who were their kind and loving unvarnished selves were not White evangelicals. Quelle surprise!

  7. I find Sasha Baron Cohen too hard to watch, he just makes me cringe, but he's very clever and brave. Things you'd never say about Trump.

  8. Probably most of the people who should see Borat won't. I saw his bit on Kimmel's show which was mostly disappointing. Other things you described sound like any one might have been a more meaningful excerpt to attract me to view his movie than his nonsense with Jimmy, talking about impregnating his daughter (I suppose a slam at our leader's words about his dtrj), taking off his pants, etc. -- the latter jr hi teenage humor, I thought, which didn't entice me to want to see his movie. Exposing Rudy is fine and like that photo of our illustrious leader supporting himself on the podium.

  9. I found the spin-offs by some night-light shows so funny!


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